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Everything posted by MadManMike

  1. Yeah, I've tried the working out at home thing and haven't had much luck. Our flat is too small to properly do it anyway, plus we're on the top floor and our neighbours wouldn't appreciate me stomping around. As soon as the gym opens I'm gonna be back in there.
  2. I weigh very nearly 100kg. By far the heaviest I've ever been. Gained 6kg since working from home (March). My own fault, I eat too much crap and don't move enough, but still...
  3. Yeah your theory is very wrong. See also: my post count. I never really progressed past beginner on a trials bike, I'm a bit better on an MTB these days but my survival instinct has always held me back - I think a big crash when I was about 17 started it, I've been cautious on two wheels ever since.
  4. If the tool doesn't work, hammer and chisel / fat screwdriver should get it loose enough to get the tool to work... I had to do it on an old jump bike years ago, a few taps to get it going, then the tool for the rest of the way. Also, a little squirt of PlusGas might free it up too.
  5. I buy a lot of stuff off cdkeys, they do good deals. If it's a fiver on there and £30 on Steam, it's a no brainer.
  6. Jammy b*****d! £70 is obscene for a computer game haha
  7. Ah shit, I missed that! Would definitely have picked it up! I assume it's ended now?
  8. Rees has said it'll be retrieved "at some point" and put in a museum. He actually supported the removal of it, too.
  9. I've started a reply twice, but I think I'll let someone else do it...
  10. I wouldn't say it has nothing to do with them, but I do kinda get your point.
  11. Spinning some house music, live on Twitch now... Hit the link, listen in and get chatting if you like https://www.twitch.tv/dropeightyfour
  12. Normally I would, but it was a freshly rebuilt engine, so I assumed they were new. On removal, they definitely weren't. I did a spark test today, three out of four cylinders have intermittent spark, so I'm guessing it's either CAS, coil pack, bad ground or maybe even skipped a tooth? More investigation needed, enthusiasm quickly draining.
  13. I butchered it and made it work... Now just need the rain to hold off tomorrow so I can use it
  14. Waiting three days for a tool to turn up, only to find it's useless for the application. I take some blame in this of course, but it's frustrating nonetheless.
  15. Nothing wrong with being in it for the numbers if you ask me, social media is all about views and follows - everyone that puts content out wants to see big numbers. Your videos are great, so it's good to see you gaining followers... well deserved. It's funny seeing how lockdown has had an impact on numbers actually, I made a tutorial video on setting up DJ streams from decks to OBS Streamlabs back in 2018 and it had a couple of hundred views over the year. Suddenly in March this year it shot up and is now on 12k views! Pretty big number considering I have about 120 followers and I don't really put "content" out, it's more just somewhere to stick holiday videos / go kart / mtb sessions... I'm certainly not a YouTuber as such.
  16. I've been watching live streams of it over the past few days, some parts look proper sketchy! Hopefully they don't target your station. Have you noticed an increased police presence in your area, or are they all focused on the hot spots? From what I've seen, the whole thing hasn't been handled too well so far.
  17. In my defense, the spark plugs are the only thing I didn't touch during the engine swap
  18. The background to this is that the car spat a spark plug out and it's ruined the threads. A garage locally has said they'll do it, but they won't give a price until I take the car there. I'm hesitant to take it there without a price. They apparently want to see "what state it's in". I don't understand why they need to see it - it's not like an MOT where there could be other things wrong, it's literally just a stripped thread that needs tapping and helicoiling. Any thoughts? It's fair to say I have a distrust in garages, so maybe I'm being overly paranoid about it.
  19. That's pretty much the only way to get anywhere in a 5 even with all four cylinders in action
  20. Best way to move a car that is only on 3 cylinders? I need to take it 5 mins away to get 4th cylinder back in action...
  21. Surely you'll be able to get it back though? If it's BG's cock-up there's no way they can get away with it long term. Shitty thing to have to sort out there, especially as it's not your fault. And yeah my situation sucks. I'll find out if I'm the chosen one on the 1st of June and if so, I have 30 day consultation period and then I'd leave on the 30th with no notice period, they'd just pay me off. The package would be pretty good as they quite a bit over the statutory, but I'd rather keep my job!
  22. Potential redundancy looms... I'm in a UK team of three and one of us will be going. Fun stuff.
  23. MadManMike


    Yeah that pool one where you slid out... ouch! Nice edits, cool soundtrack too
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