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Everything posted by MadManMike

  1. In a year it's gone from $61 to $1000 and is still rising, so I have no plans to take any out yet. In fact I just use it to diversify the portfolio. In the grand scheme of things, $1000 isn't much, so I'm holding. I look at it like this: some of the coins are literally worth $0.05, or less. If they go to $0.50 it's a lot, $1 it's a lot, $10 it's massive, $1000 it's huge, $5000 I could almost retire... One coin I have 140,000 of and they've quadrupled in value since I got them, but they're still worth barely anything... If they went to $0.50 that's 70 grand, $2 is 280 grand etc... And I know if I took the grand out now and then in 4 years it went to that level I'd feel sick. If they all drop and I end up taking out $200, well it's still a decent profit and I had fun doing it.
  2. I've quickly learned not to give any advice on crypto. Any posts I make on social media are "I'm doing this, could be interesting" - if people choose to do the same, fine, but I'll never tell someone they should. It's too volatile and essentially a gamble. Some of my friends made a quick buck off DOGE and ETH because of it, but I'm glad to say I didn't tell them they should do it. I do think some of the smaller coins are worth a punt if you have spare cash, but it's definitely worth researching first. I jumped in back in 2018 and lost about £200 doing stupid day trading with no idea about it all - these days I hold a select few and my stash has gone through the roof.
  3. I stuck in $61 last April, it's now at $1000. A series of incredibly lucky purchases has made that happen. Started looking at NFT's now, but not properly - lots to learn on that front!
  4. Yeah it seems a lot higher than most RH's, I guess because it looks tidy. Ideally I'd like a more modern engine anyway. I'm still just browsing at the moment, any purchase will be 2-3 months away - good to get an idea of what's about though.
  5. *Insert thinking emoji* https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Robin-Hood/203340607558 Though I seem to recall RH's aren't great, this one looks well put together...
  6. To be honest, that bike even as it was would do me - £300 for something like that would do nicely. I'll keep an eye out for them, cheers!
  7. "Jumping" in to this thread... What's the deal with jump bike prices these days? I remember when I couldn't give away a half decent DMR, now you can't find anything half decent for less than £600. I'd quite like a jump bike to mess around on / ride to the pub on, but I don't want to spend that much really... Is there a secret stash of cheap-ish jump bikes that I'm missing?
  8. Damn, that's a good price, my 980 sold for more than that!
  9. Boooom. "I am thrilled to confirm I have now exchanged contracts in your purchase and completion is now fixed for 19th April 2021. CONGRATULATIONS !! A perfect excuse to enjoy a celebration or two over the Bank holiday weekend !"
  10. Third time lucky... "I have just received a call from the selling solicitors to say that they now understand the chain above is ready to exchange, with completion 19th April. For compliance on my file, please can you therefore each confirm I have your authority to exchange contracts (committing you to the purchase) with completion on this date."
  11. Someone has, somewhere, at some point. They do say buying a house is one of the most stressful things you can do, so I guess in most cases it's a pain in the arse. It's worth it in the long run though
  12. So yeah, that didn't happen. I thought it was all going too smoothly, based on other peoples experiences, seems like ours is following the natural path after all!
  13. Expecting an email today to say we've exchanged, with a completion date of April 19th... excited is an understatement!
  14. Have a look at Dartmoor, I have a Hornet which is non-boost. Running 160mm fork. Very reasonable price too.
  15. Is there a way to swap the steerer? Just wondering if that tube can be swapped out to allow use of new forks...
  16. My partners family are from WSM, it's not bad, but certainly not the best... I call it Hastings with a paint job
  17. "just" an S4... Understatement of the year! That's awesome, love the wide look too, works really well with those wheels. Can't wait to get another toy to play with, posts like this definitely get the itch going again
  18. What's the blue (purple?) one? All I see is a big old turbo, which is never a bad thing
  19. Not only do the track cars not work, but the photo of them also doesn't... or is it just at this end?
  20. Last week: "Get your deposit together, it's show time!" This week: "Oh, seems like they're right at the start of the process still, hold off on the deposit". OK, SUPER.
  21. Has anyone else been inundated with spam calls since starting the buying process? I get flooded with calls from fake mobile numbers and random towns around the UK, they're all real people trying to flog random shite / offer stuff without actually telling you what they're offering. I had a call from Nairn earlier, which I gather is a small town in Scotland. The chap was "Dan, regarding the funds"... He wouldn't actually explain what the funds were, nor did he know my name, other than "Mike", as that's what I answered the call with. I went from "Sorry, who is this?" to "f**k off" in about 5 seconds. Usually I'm polite on the phone, but I'm getting several of these calls a day... It's getting to the point where I just don't answer now and they'll leave a message if it's legit. Very annoying.
  22. Obviously it doesn't apply to everyone, but house prices on the south coast are generally rising because London high earners are buying them, which drives the prices up. I know this for a fact, because Hastings is being flooded with them - quite a lot of my DJ mates there have moved down from London and still commute there for work (Well, they did, before the shit show of 2020 came into play). Hastings is the prime example, very few locals can buy in the nice areas now, they're all moving to the outskirts where houses cost less. If you look at house prices by area, you'll see that the closer to London or Brighton you are, the higher they get. The same with Reading area, because it's an easy commute to London. London is why the south east is expensive. Same as some of the crazy prices in Cornwall, rich Londoners are buying up places in the nice seaside towns. Don't just take my word for it, here's some actual stats on average salary...
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