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Everything posted by biketrialler

  1. Is there a tickbox "Disable refresh rates that my card/monitor cannot display" ticked? Untick it and just set it to like 85hz anyway. You do know that it makes no difference what refresh it is once its above 70hz ?
  2. Yeah, its a few posts up for those who can read.
  3. (Y) Thanks a bundle for that dood Its just the kind of riding I like... And need to watch to get back into riding. It makes me almost cry that I somehow used to enjoy all that hoppy hoppy stuff
  4. ^^^^ Little Program You Cant Live Without?, Free?
  5. biketrialler


    What did he say back to her when she called him a nigger? Racism is caused by fear... he shouldn't have anything to fear (no white dominance in todays society) so it really shouldnt matter.
  6. Having been a Winamp fan for years and years, when i set up my new shuttle xpc machine I installed it again. For some reason I only heard sound out of my front two speakers when in every other program i got the full 5.1 channels fine (Y) So I got the latest version of Media Player (10) and its wonderful. Fan of the music library system Msn messenger 7 is always fun! Ad aware is invaluable. dBpowerAMP Music Converter is handy for ripping CDs into mp3s. Nero works wonders for burning DVDs and CDs
  7. Take your dv cam if you've got a pimpy lens that will zoom you in loads - you're always fairly far away! I went for the last two previous years, always good... Last year wasn't quite as good as before though... The Ot-Pi show last year was pants with this strange dinosaur fighting show on bikes... everyone was like "wtf is going on, just ride the pogo sticks eh!" Have fun dood (Y)
  8. My ducky forces of good will combat that evil then! Some might be lil babies now... but they'll soon be big, strong..er....rubbery beasts before long! ;)
  9. I remember doing a PM convo with you when you were pretty new to the board. It was all about tyres and my experiences. You came to the conclusion after wasting a few essays of mine that you were going for the Michelin Comp24. Then you posted a topic straight after that saying about how you wanted a Michelin. But does it grip well? Does it work well on a narrow rim with a grind? Whats the wear like? Maxxis look nice. What colour do they come in? etc. I'd just spend 30 minutes explaining it all to you from my reliable trusty experience. So thats my justification for saying YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE ARSE.
  10. oh, mygod. not again tom!!! its not even funny now. :sick:
  11. Woo go me! Not too bad for a win2k desktop though I dont think - using the good ol' active desktop to have my music in a desktop folder with winamp running just above it. Works really well.
  12. http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&safe=...nG=Search&meta= YOU'RE A f**kING COCK TOM.
  13. haha you pussy! dont let him f**k you about, make him give you what is deserved!!! i'd never send off a part, have a guy break them and then take it back as though nothing had changed. pussy!
  14. le second picliature of ma levelboss 1000+65
  15. biketrialler

    le cockle

    zis be ma cockle 1065. she nice. she iz all zorted pour nass twothousand+4 wit le neuw tires, grippages and tiz also freshly rebuilt. sex on ice, you zink also?
  16. biketrialler

    ms paint bike

    Unlucky, you spelt Koxx wrong...
  17. Yea, I like that Sam... white against the background :lol:
  18. 5 thumbs!? Eeeeeerm anyway. Looks rancid. Theres another topic all about the new monty stuff btw...
  19. Any idea why the holes in that plate are threaded?
  20. £20 wtf. Manifesto is like £16 isnt it. And thats Ryan Leech!
  21. "anal buttslut ben jordan"
  22. How old are you? lol, was a bus about to hit you or something?
  23. mm green From what I understand they're a lot thicker internally and look possibly to have a shot peened finish. The US/Canadian riders are loving these bars right now, could be a good sound choice.
  24. Onza tuf guys. Stripped, then resprayed (Powder coated) in gloss black. Its nice because it gets rid of them gash onza logos on the side that ruin the smooth curvy lines. They ride really nice on the Koxx actually...
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