All i ever seam to use my trials bike for is spins and street riding so ive decided to get a bmx.
Im clueless when it comes to bmx's and need help choosing a bike. How much do i need to spend to get a reasonable bike? i dont want to spend too much incase i dont get on with bmx, but at the same time i want something reasonable or i wont stick with it. Is a budget of £250 enough for a bmx or should i be looking at spending more? or looking second hand?
All im interested in is street riding, its very unlikely i will go anywhere near a park or dirt jumps, and i want a bike with decent brakes as all the bmx's ive ridden have had shocking brakes. Im quite short and like spins so i guess i should be looking for a bike with a short frame/wb
Can people recommend some bikes to me?