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brisa man

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Trials Newbie

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  1. make sure you are setting up your brakes correctly, be sure you have got the pads as flat to the rim as you can, as long as you get the roughly correct they will wear down to be flat. also try the usual tar, grinds, different pads etc. all mentioned above. cheers.
  2. i had a hope mini for a while it did the job but if buying a hope mini try to get a reasonable rotor size, 180 or above would be the best. but by far i would recommend the hope mono trial(Y) cheers.
  3. if one of the slaves is returning slow take it off make sure you take your pads off and do it away from your rim and hold the slave that is not going slow and pull the lever then the slow one should come out and then just spray a load of wd40 or something on it until it frees itself off a bit. the same thing happened to mine, i just bought a new slave in the end now it works pimp. hope this helps. cheers.
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