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Everything posted by chimpanzyyyy

  1. no there is 10 palets look it===> http://www.dailymotion.com/search/benito/video/43316 the first side up, he climb on 10 palets
  2. so???? sorry I can't wait :$ any news??? :$
  3. I think it s 135 cm over a bar and 143 cm on pallets ( ten big blue pallets )
  4. yeah.... adam burns was really really good... and dave finney???with his single laugh... he was good to is he still ride?
  5. this one is hand drawn but on other drawings I use photoshop and other
  6. sorry, I don t really understand... :$ could you explain?
  7. yyyyyyeah good video, editing is sweet hum I like your crazy style on rails and your massive side up cheers sooooooo perfect wow
  8. jack barnes rides with the yellow frame??? He does only one move??? But massive jack barnes is a god good video but want to see more barnes cheers
  9. the first one is very nice I try some photoshop effect on it :$
  10. wow seriously??? why??? beter geometry, lighter than the echo??? cheers
  11. maybe it s a little boring because you ride always in the same place :$ but I like you style ,mix of uci and smooth street style
  12. good video your side ups are massive cheers
  13. wowwww a very original style so cool, yeah very good video
  14. yeah good news thanks for the answer cheers
  15. hi do you still filming mike grimwood (the bunny up beast in accomplish teaser)??? I like your video cheers
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