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Everything posted by chimpanzyyyy

  1. congratulation that side looks awesome
  2. really nice pic wayne back on the caisso?
  3. don't like your bike you need another frame for your style but great vid
  4. thanks a lot that s exactly what I m thinking...but I want to be sure
  5. sorry for the bump but I just want to say that tap to 180 is one of the best thing i ve seen for ages just perfect
  6. don't be fashion victim take the ozonys
  7. and what dou think about these shoes? good or bad?
  8. i've read the thread...really thanks this ribo looks shit...but if this shoes are the best trial shoes,I want them...even in that color... don't care about the fashion
  9. oh my god oh my god oh my god I love it a lot!!!! really good vid platov and konstantin are beast! the other riders are awesome thanks for sharing
  10. thanks for the answer mate maybe I will buy trial shoes soon...and i don't know between this one and the ribo... I think ribo looks better for trial but maybe the try all sole B are better for street...(I do street a lot)
  11. the comp vid is awesome... the best rider is the coust guy with fluo rim...so pro... the other two best are the muscular topless guy on the white stock(maybe a kot)---> what's his name? the crazy guy who does the massive hook on the three stump and fall hard----> what's his name?
  12. is there anyone use this one? "Try All Sole.B" they looks cool
  13. sorry but don't agree akrigg don't do backflip,tail wip etc but he's got an unique style...nobody ride as him in that vid...the other rider are insane but the looks all the same... maybe this comp is a bit too massive for akrig(huge gap on ugly huge bike)...but he s different and that's great imagine if he could keep that massive gap...
  14. why not photoshop? a jpg compression...
  15. he's from canada edit: sweet vid! I m a fan of steve...really love his style... and you're a beast too
  16. your girl friend ***...really sweet pics
  17. love the old echo back rim with the old tyre... sweet bike
  18. chris trying to f**k himself with that gap? best move in the vid...that gap looks like a steven hamilton's gap... chris is a beast thanks for sharing jonny
  19. look at this... the girl in the stairs at 02:00
  20. that stupid thing about the 6 gears in the comp rules is over...so horizontal dropouts are ok
  21. chimpanzyyyy


    maybe it's the helmet...but steve looks so much like adam burns... he is an adam burns on a long bike I love him
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