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Everything posted by chimpanzyyyy

  1. linkin park limp bizkit think rowan don't like that kind of music
  2. yeah it's yaoh zhi and it's a n "old" vid love this vid and it's an amazing rider
  3. you are a good rider... so unique...love it thanks for this awesome vid
  4. it's a nice vid...maybe a bit repetitive but really impressive gaz is a good rider... but rafal is a beast too
  5. that's a fecking good vid kevin rides like a dream
  6. that's a good video!!!! you are a beast rafal... really love it and you bike is sex
  7. http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=VXvp6R_ARjQ
  8. only in your dream maybe for the street...but it's the best way for natural rinding
  9. salut jeremie...juste pour dire que mod,c'est un 20" et stock un 26", tu t'es trompé dans ton profil


  10. jimmy...I want your bike it's awesome
  11. an awesome vid of hermance on his vracing http://nopogo.meleeweb.net/videos/nopogo/a...s/the_storm.avi 7 Minutes 250 Mo http://www.nopogo.org/spip.php?article399
  12. like the music like your style so smooth like how you ride the same lines than damon but with your own style don't like the last clip...
  13. always love your vids joe so unique want more
  14. chimpanzyyyy

    Matt Arkwright

    O M G... that will be the best video ever
  15. I like the song but it's not going for this video...
  16. you are a beast don't like your choice about the song...
  17. you have a french style really good little vid what's your bike now?
  18. nice but too short and yeah to much bails(sweet bails) for the riding but you ride like a beast a the editing is awesome
  19. yeah we are in the movie We use 3dstudiomax 8 for the 3D part and tvpaint, a 2d program for the 2d part the other program are adobe premiere,sony vegas,photoshop
  20. hi just want to share the film I made with a french guy for my school it call's "totem" it's on my blog http://mehdi-benlarbi.blogspot.com/ hope you enjoy
  21. only one comment!!!???? please !!!! sweet vid lucien editing is perfect , your riding is really smooth and I want your garden!!!! keep it up
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