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Everything posted by chimpanzyyyy

  1. chimpanzyyyy


    two words Salma Hayek
  2. long live the german smooth king
  3. chimpanzyyyy


    Maps to the stars What the actual f**k?
  4. chimpanzyyyy


    was a bit of a disapointment IMO but still good to watch Yes it was what a twisted story
  5. chimpanzyyyy


    f**k yeah, that was gold also the part when tatum gets it and starts yelling and laughing
  6. chimpanzyyyy

    Bersha - Hex

    I have to agree with Ali on this one sure, you ride your bike the way you want, no question about that but linking moves together would make your riding look even better You are a very talented rider and it's super cool to see you riding a hex that good but yeah... lines plus it would be more challenging for you aswell I mean those tgs moves looks way too easy for you push yourself for christ sake Here's a perfect example of TGS + Lines imagine how good it would be with your skills but yeah, your bike, your life, your choice as long as you enjoy yourself and doing mad hops... good for you
  7. edit: that kid is crazy good love the vid
  8. you're grumpy as f**k and a trials style police nazy doesn't mean I don't love you
  9. Ross is the chief of the trials fashion police(I don't even mention Ali) he's sometimes harsh but speaks the truth
  10. Not bad love the cheasy seat but I did like the first proto more
  11. Lots of skills needs more finesse in there though edit: this is what I mean by finesse Vimeo Video -> Original Video I was watching it again, and I just realise (again) why Ali is probably the greatest rider IMO
  12. beast of a vid flipp hope you get well soon
  13. chimpanzyyyy


    Yeah I saw it It was great IMO How was it for you?
  14. chimpanzyyyy


    thanks mate I get what you mean about the fail but hey, to get better, you have to be a bit harsh about yourself From stills Most of those drawings are training sessions or warm ups Thanks
  15. i also remember a vid of a fail parkour move that look incredibly painfull(and super long hair) edit: not on his youtube channel anymore
  16. I get what you mean but it's not totally true not easy to anyone to overcome the fear or the get a smooth landing from such height I m a pussy, so I don't mind seeing people with bigger balls
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