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Everything posted by lego

  1. How much roughly will you new 2006 echo bb and cranks be.....oh and headsets....mmmm...there was something else. Please.
  2. lego


    Its free to ride, just bring some sarnies. And if we (Trialslord - Da Bomb and me) are with you no one will bother you at all.
  3. lego


    even better on a bike :)
  4. lego


    Nath beat me to it (Y) lol http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=64907 Stoke Plaza
  5. I know its a skate park, but its awsome I will get some real pics soon, but for now here is a link to the site with the latest pics on. Stoke Plaza
  6. lego


    Was the like of Craig Lee Scott once a beginner and what about Neil Tunnicliffe? yes I do believe they where. I could name more but you know the general thing I`am trying to say. They where proud moments for a "beginner" to look back on but its people like yourself who are so far up there own arse and cannot see past the nose on your face to see this. Drop me a pm when you start shaving.
  7. lego


    Actually no I didn`t, but hey you`re a lier so I won`t lose any sleep. And I never dig holes, but I do believe the board should be moderated better to keep gobshites under control, especially ones that have been banned from other forums :bunny:
  8. lego


    Ye gads, could this be a teenager with a brain?? :( A sensible reply at last.
  9. lego


    f*ck it!
  10. lego


    f*ck it!
  11. Me bike weighs just over a stone,not a clue what it is in grams or that stuff lol edit:sorry this is da bomb on legos computer,i forgot i was logged in as him,anyway my python weighs one stone,sorry for any confusion
  12. lego


    http://www.big-boys.com/articles/railfaceplant.html http://www.big-boys.com/articles/doneywreck.html http://www.big-boys.com/articles/brokejawbone.html
  13. Tell you what, you tell all these people http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showforum=8 in here first the the same rubbish you`re giving me then fine, I`ll email.
  14. Oh dear we have an abundance of whitty teenagers tonight.
  15. Ok you see this bit http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showforum=8 He can`t post in it, so I have to catch him in here instead, that good for you? :)
  16. I do apologize I was under the impression these forums were for communicating with fellow riders and friends. My mistake its obviously for none thought out clever but not witty replies and flaming.
  17. How dare you speak to your elders like that, and my mountainbike is a bloody Zoo Pitbull :) . Bugger better change my pic.... And yes Castle tomorrow then, see what totty is up there. And I`am not pleaing for you to be validated...OnzaboyMark loves me and calls me Sarah.
  18. maybe you can get lucky and get validated at the same time bmx rider :) p.s. Castle tomorrow?
  19. Thats good, but I just found on this forum some wierd picture of two chinese guys in very tight rubber suits and strange hats...now that was funny..wish I could remember where it was....old age and being tired ain`t good. :)
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