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About lego

  • Birthday 05/05/1971

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  • Quick Spec
    Zoo Pitbull "long", Echo Forks, Zoo Gold Bars, Zoo Gold Headset, Hope Front Disc, Magura Rear Raceline, Planet X BMF Front Tryall Rear/CK Classic with Maxxis Holy Rollers, Middleburns With 24th Front 18th Rear, Shadow Half Link Chain, Fresh Products Tensioner. Also building a dual disc based 221ti :)

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    Football, Trials, PC`s, Xbox and family stuff.
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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummarySound as a pound, nice and easy Given By: lego You were the: Seller Date: 1192801697
  2. lego

    Who Plays Cs:s? WTE deathmatch server...manic and fun.
  3. go on this server or check the rest of us old sado`s out at White Tigers Gaming
  4. Just thought I`d stick this in the correct place for a change.
  5. lego


    Yes its small, but I can move my arse really fast, (Guy called Craig Thomas.) We are tracking Bin Laden by his mobile phone signal (President Bush, the knob) funnily enough after this Ladens phone went off. I can feel one hell of an headache coming on. (President John F Kennedy just has he went past the book depository) First time I`am been out of my wheelchair in years (Steven Hawkins after zero g test)
  6. ok you can delete the top one, and do one of the system please, its the bottom one inside the event viewer folder.
  7. ok a few things i would check:- 1) check all drivers are the latest and direct X 2) turn it all off, and unplug, make sure CPU fan is properly seated....just wondering if its getting hot...mind you does it play other games? 3) right click MY COMPUTER > MANAGE > EVENT VIEWER > check application and system, it records what made it crash here, can you post a screenshot.
  8. For it to completely restart you comp thats one major crash. Can you post you system specs please. Of the top of me head, sounds like either your machine ain't up to it, or a hardware failure/driver issue.
  9. I use DVD Decrypter to rip and DVD Shrink to burn and..errr..shrink, been doing DVDs for ages no issues.
  10. lego


    "Dave your jeans are about 4 inches below your arse!" Damn emos can`t dress themselves. Me at Zoo
  11. Try that see if it works and tell us what the result is. Also check the security settings see if its got "ALLOW BY MAC ADDRESS" ticked. Only people on this list can access the internet. P.S. Mac address is the ident number for that piece of wireless hardware.
  12. lego


    Afraid I got to agree with JT
  13. lego

    Problem Page!

    I watched Cancer destroy my dad, this was in 1991. Nothing will take away the upset for you or your family because loosing a close family member is always shit. If any of you have a family member who is really ill the best thing you can do is make there time a good one, and always think of what they did "instead of they are gone" make the days easier.
  14. lego


    I watched "Life on Mars" Seriously if you are not sure, ask an honest copper and he will tell you roughly that, Oh I got a bit wrong It seems you can retract a statement but be careful they don`t do you for wasting police time.
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