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Nick Harding

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Everything posted by Nick Harding

  1. Dummo only ever done it witrh square taper a few years back now. Try it which ever way,worth ago.
  2. Phone middleburn first, number will be on their website. they will tell you to send it, they will replace it no questions asked.Ive done it about 4 times.
  3. either shim it with a coke can for a temp bodge, or snap the bugger, send it back to middleburn and they will replace it.
  4. Same. problem is once you start you kinda get addicted to it, and after a while you think 8 is really small so you go 10mm. Then next thing you know you have 26mm holes in both your ears
  5. Its like £4.99 for 500ml which should be enough for a frame. Bigger one is about 750ml i think its about £8. if you get it on your skin it burns so be warned. but it is bloody good stuff.
  6. Use Nitromorse(sp?) to get the paint off. apply it with a paint brush leave it for a few minutes then it will flake off. you can get it from like homebase, B&Q etc. Just do all the bigger tubes, chainstays,seat-stays, top tube ,down tube etc. Then do all the tricky bits after.
  7. Looking sweet Dan, got your Hinge done yet? P.s need to hang soon brother bear Edit: Can just about make out the hinge, looks good
  8. always loved the look of the ciguena looks smart nice one
  9. where you get that Have Heart banner from? straight from Bridge9?? Nick
  10. you wont get hold of steve as i doubt he has been on here for ages and i dont think he has ridden for yonks so i doubt hes been on here lately. Ive known him for a fair few years i never knew anything about frame spraying? sorry thats prob not to much help Nick
  11. the 4 bolt mounts are there for a reason yeah, but not everyone like to use magura some prefer to use V
  12. I personally avoided these for that reason. dont know whether thats the way they would work,but i dont like the look of them either. To be honest your better off getting hold of of some heatsink ones . Got hold of some a few weeks back and gotta say they are worth the money. Very rigid and lots of width adjustments,(if that makes sence)
  13. providing my brake stuff comes then hell yea
  14. Have to agree. it dont look right at all. In my opinion they look so un-individual from other bikes when they have this kind of spec.
  15. Good ride in colchester on saturday. here is the vid, thought i had alot more footage but turned out alright. cheers Nick TrialsTube Link
  16. Yea ill make a video within the next few days ,got a ton of footage .
  17. bond, HMV in town had copies left when i went there this morning for both consoles. got mine pre-ordered from gamestation they guy there tried to flg me the speacial pack for like £69 tempting but couldnt afford to spend that on a game.
  18. i know most gamestations are open at midnight, but if you have a pre order with them you have 72 hours to collect it before they sell it.
  19. Nick Harding


    This one dont look to bad ,was thinking about it for myself aswell. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PROFESSIONAL-QUALITY...1QQcmdZViewItem just realised there isnt much difference in them, price is also the same
  20. I swear the hotel I work in is haunted to buggery. I hear and see stuff I cant explain all the time. and the other people i work with say the same, caught something on cctv here once that made me shiver.Even worse i work here at night and right now iam on my own
  21. The 40g ps3 is a good machine. the difference between 40g and 60g is that the 60g has 4 usb ports, memory card readers and the ability to play ps2 games. But the quality it plays the ps2 games is shocking. The ps3 60g is also no longer available as they dont make it anymore, unless you can get one on ebay, but they are expensive even second hand as they arent made anymore. My opinion, if you want to play your old ps2 games(if you have any) keep that and buy a ps3 40g for new stuff. but i really wouldnt bother with a 60g to be honest. never had any problems with my 40g (touch wood).
  22. i was expecting it to be more than that friend of mine downloaded rainbow six vegas 2 that was 7g. would have thought gta would have been more as you`d expect it to be such a bigger game. strill 7g is pretty big though lol
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