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Gaz M

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Everything posted by Gaz M

  1. the echo easy's are the echo team 04's lol its just another name for them, i dont want any xlite forks as ive cracked a pair before hate front hooks and front taps, any mroe suggestions?
  2. well as a few people know i snapped my echo easy forks other day after riding them for 2 weeks and theres not way im getting another set, so im sitting here looking on tartybikes, select etc wondering which forks to buy, i come across zoo's really like them U6 and a one peice steerer so theyll be pretty strong so i think ill get some of those then suddenly realise there disk only, never mind ill get the echo cnc ones similar but abit heavy but theyll never snap, hmm disk only too ive snapped the echo easy, no more of them, ive snapped the koxx forxx dont want no more of them, im looking for something to use with a magura but everything is disk only im looking for some strong forks prefferably under 850 grams and made from U6 any suggestions?
  3. ben well easily be there at 12:30 TK is aalright place to ride so well be there for a hour easy you have my number so just give me a ring i snapped my forks so im going to be showing up with some onza stell forks cant wait to try them!! haha im excited
  4. 3RD january, plenty of time to get things organised, away from christmas n new year and its on a monday
  5. tunnis latest vid, he is running more or less that full setup at one point
  6. probably why theres a front tap, sidehop to rear in there
  7. Pics arent too good because of all the compressing resising etc to do but never the less Me Attempting A Massive Sidehop For Me, Didnt Quite Get It Me Doing A Small Sidehop Dan Foster Sidehopping The Bigg Wall On Someone elses Bike! Joe Doing a Big Front Tap Corfty Doing A Nice Sidehop James doing a small sidehop, made easily Paddy Sidehopping Over A Barrier Joe With A Nice Sidehop Me Sidehopping White Walls
  8. very disturbing face carved from wood maybe? 8/10
  9. today in notts when dropped off this large thing and my bike made the horriblest sound ive ever heard sounded like steel being snapped in half n everyone looked at me like got it on film and everything lucky it was the wheel moving haha everyone (includin me) thought id snapped something
  10. well im 5 '7 and i prefer 1080 stock bikes, can ride ben lee's echo hifi really good so i really doubt that will be too short for you and im a mod rider i just moved from a 1000 wb to a 1050 wb bike and i love it, shouldnt be a problem just go for it you wont look back
  11. come to mansfielld!! loadsa people coming (dan foster etc), tryna get neil to come!
  12. It'll take you 4:10 hours to get hear and itll cost £26 return so yea, further than notts
  13. Leeds is mint! it would probably be mansfield if i didnt live here but we ride it everyday worksops good too!
  14. Train to notts, then train to worksop, mansfield is about 40 mins from notts, comon kyle!!
  15. Ok, well notts was mint today and a few people are coming to mansfield next weekend so heres a list of whos coming so far, : Me Biff Joe Oakley Joe Baxter Squince Jack Gibson Mikey Danny Foster Wigs Chris Cook Paddy Splint Josh Crofty Billocks Jimmy Hart Bennett Josh Guna be really good come on down!!!! Meet at mansfield train station at 11-12?
  16. MINT ride guys!!! gotta do that agen was mint
  17. zoo python's are over rated, erm cant really think of much thats under rated
  18. well i'm currently using tryall tyres and to be honest they dont suit my riding at all because they lack the sidewall grip which most tyres have and with me mainly sidehopping lets just say i dont particularly love them, however they do have lots of advantage like they dont clog up with mud, every other aspect of grip is really good, they are light and there bouncy, if you like me want all over grip and dont mind too much about natural conditions deffo go for the maxxis :P dont completely rule out tryall though because they are pretty good
  19. the new ninja turtles are shite, if your talking about the old ones which were mint then it was raphael because of how aggresive he was :P probably already been said but donatello is purple! ninja turtles are the reason i started eating pepporoni pizza, didnt like the realistic movie though scared the living sh*t out of me with me being a small boy, couldnt sleep for weeks :P
  20. mint, is dan coming up with you damon if you come
  21. http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/5day.shtml?id=2803 guna be the hottest day of this week and even if it does rain we can play on coust wall :)
  22. there ment to be crap on stock bikes, what ive heard from LOADS of people, what happened to that echo hub did you ever get one?
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