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Gaz M

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Everything posted by Gaz M

  1. i got this on the mod dave its the main reason i moved to stock it happened because of my posture when i was riding too and from places i was constantly arched, if you dont wanna change your bike just take about 2 pain killers before every ride and youll be fine, thats what i did
  2. with a red tyre ont back? we saw him lol tried to catch him up but he dissappeared
  3. English. B English Lit. A Maths. C Resistant Materials. A Ict. B French. D Leisure & Tourism. C Pe. C Citizenship. D Science. A B
  4. lol why is everyone so nervous, personally i couldnt care less i know ive done decent. im not going to kill myself if i havent got straight a's jesus, some people on here need to relax i dont get why people get so worked up. Its not life or death, you dont have to do amazing. Jesus christ just read adam trials posts LMAO. What a joke seriousely, such a snob i think in all your education you forgot to live. i never quite realised you were such a twat. id goto a city college any day of the week over college with people filled like you.
  5. thats sick, in the most hilarious way possible
  6. Mint video andy me you and the secret weapon will make one together in bout a month lol lucky on that dropgap, you were nearly in middle of road on your nose haha sickk maneeeeee
  7. Thanks for all comments everyone um yeh i was lucky with me tyre lol dear o dear, maxxis minion really cant beat um best tyre ever! and mikeys tyre was worse then mine when he did it his first time joe
  8. Well i've finally sorted my riding out, these past few weeks ive been totally crap but ive got my touch back now . could be the new forks being 500 grams lighter . All comments will be appreciated, its only been filmed yesterday and today and i edited in about a hour so thats not the best. Get it HERE Stock Video 1 Its filmed in mansfield and there's no big moves in it so dont expect much . My next video will have plenty of big stuff in it hopefully to make up for this one Also thanks to Www.BikeTrialCo.Com for supplying nearly all my parts
  9. Gaz M


    Joe b is sexy as fook
  10. Gaz M


    Sounds like your stock riding too . nah only kiddin beau haha i love u really
  11. Gaz M


    dont even consider getting the long gu as its totally wank the geo is all just wrong, the short one rides awesomely so much better then the long its untrue, the short is one of the nicest mods ever but if your pretty tall and youll need a long bike get the python, steer very very well clear from the long gu
  12. Nah deng isnt putting disk mounts on any of his frames, read it a while back.
  13. all rims come with that split. yes it is a split. yours has one joe its solid to get rid of but it usually all goes when its built up tightly, doesnt affect anything.. w00p
  14. not the bike its the rider squince exploded mech hanger on first night lol i think it rides mint, love it
  15. Didnt really like it, riding was alright at times but it dragged forever
  16. Gaz M

    Revenge Tactics

    Keep beating him up until the trouble stops
  17. 16 lol feel like a kid didnt know there were so many of you oap's on the forum
  18. Gaz M


    Im petrified of spiders, lol one of the weird kids in my old school came into the caf once with his hands cupped he opened em and this huge turantula thing he caught in a sink or sumat jumped out, didnt see much more as i hit the speed of light running to safety, they scare the shit out of me, and for people who cant explain why probably cause they've got like 6 eyes 8 legs and run around setting up traps and drinking your blood when they catch you. Imagine how much worse they would be if they made screaming noises ...
  19. Dave is gay lol pics are awesome specially the 5th down, looks awesome
  20. ''Black rim as requested'' give you that idea?
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