the sprinter, youve proved nothing, the best build for trials is muscular like i said i never mentioned being 50 stone biggest body builder in the world.. end of that is actually really light im 2 stone heaveir then you and im a tad under 6 foot and im not exactly masive
Damon for a start is a big build n hes unreal at riding. You said sprinting etc to train yourself for bike and sprinting must be the single sport that requires pure fast twitch muscle fibre so surely trials would be suited best to a body type trained for sprinting, you seen the size of dwain chambers??
Deary Me!.. Me and 5 mates went out to celebrate owd birthday, ended up being sick everywhere like some kind of canon we all bailed out at like 9 cause we were all so f**ked.. wheres mike hayes no sign of him yet and he drank dangerous amounts. can only remember being in a club then a hour is just blank. just found this in my jeans lol apparently its a barmaids from red square Me ben and mike. One of the many pictures on my phone Ben and mikey Best Night Out Ever!
Nobody to ride with and i really want to ride notts on monday so if anyone will be up for it and the weather will be decent im there, cant be arsed with people saying change it to wednesday cause im not going to so i wouldnt advise putting that. 11:30 outside train station? biff claims he may come, damon trying to get day off work ....please?
Sounds like a plan biff stop creaming over ur bicep its wank, cant even tell where it starts seen more tone in jelly. put another one up in 2 week dear, huck_it bicep does not piss about. very legitimate that, have a thumbs up
i did the same was gapping from a kirb to a pallet (about 15 foot distance and going up about a inch) came down onto my front wheel and demolished it, echo 06 rims are pants
deserves a second comment, cant beleive how amazin this video is bill, veli proud of you , when i can be arsed to start riding again you can teach me how to be that good
Its simple really, find a massive wall, ride as fast as you possibly can at least 20mph, as you approach it smash your front wheel into the middle of the wall and lean back. Congrats your up