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Gaz M

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Everything posted by Gaz M

  1. similar thing happened to me about 2 months ago i had a lady friend (just a friend) and i looked out my window and there was like a smack head person he had broke into my out house thing (i have like a smaller house attached to my actual house) god knows how he did it to be honest it was locked and there was no damage to the door but anyways nobody was home sept for us and theres not much i could of done because he was taking stuff so i ran outside and beat him up i got it on camera and everything lol
  2. rate kyle vid was good but of asll your bike i think you were best on the adamant with all the huge taps and gaps you were doing especially when you were nearly doing 9 foot and nearli tapping granite box on the other leeds crimbo ride but spose it got boring like it did with me lol mod is a change of scene and your still really gud on mod keep tup gaz
  3. Gaz M


    its all awesome your riding is amazing but seriousely get wider bars! its not like you've got a tiny chest you just look so cramped with those bars it annoys me watching it surely having bars too thin is holding you back in some aspects? also your only 18cm off ten feet in your gap, i recon you should try it 309cm then youll be matching owd tunnicliffe with gaps
  4. possibly get motivated again, this time last year i was out with pneumonia riding i would do anything to go out and ride and now its wank and if i go out my bike ends up 5 foot in the air from frustration
  5. if you change pads it will be wank, This will sort you out
  6. not wen u got sum muscle on you lad
  7. not wen u got sum muscle on you lad
  8. if you value your banjo, go very carefully or there will be blood stains from both of you.
  9. best riding 26 ive ever been on to be honest
  10. it does matter really he did'nt ask for comments or opinions but now he knows he could improve his riding by trying a shorter bike, if i had a bike which looked to long or short id appreciate someone commenting on it personally
  11. your birthday ont 16th december? mines 17th! youve nearly got the best birthday ever! lol
  12. did you come matt? i have no idea who you are lol should of said hello to me! d swindlehurst ! proper little machine, well impressed! bles him
  13. 1 minute! its never gonna be anywhere near that itll just be 1 or 2 short clips like on youve been framed where the clips last about 6-8 seconds, thats what i was expecting anyway
  14. looks good, looking forward to seeing you on it leeds, you using a freewheel? only thing is...what the f*ck are those things the pedals are attached to
  15. Gaz M

    Pad Reviews

    hot kettle water ben pour all over rim then ride em,
  16. was laughin at oakley you melon not johny mc that would be tight to the max lol..
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