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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. i thought it would be a higher (or as high) for non-moterway speeding as its probably the 'best/safest' place to speed
  2. well i am riding tomorrow deffo dude - can't ride tonight. as is tim, kev, matt & boon
  3. dang!! that was going to my new choice of colour for my frame - wouldn't have had the matching rims/grips though! koxx are freaking idiots
  4. currently loving the malt crunchies...
  5. i ended up taking tim steadmans advice and washing my bike int shower - i wasn't in the shower with it though
  6. i have been watching series 5 of 24... ...wait a minute, 5+2+4 = 11 oh my god oh my god thats so crazy
  7. i got through half one one the sections doing that, was fun then i fell off!!!
  8. the links on the right are annoying, it doesn't feel right - its like reading a book backwards or something. other than that its nice
  9. wikpedia is ace, it even has trialsnoir and 24" stuff in it!! i think trials is - 'negotiating an obsticle(s) without putting your feet down' - because ultimately that what unites every style/type of trials rider
  10. i think you can take them on stagecoach type bus - with luggage compartments at the bottom but normal buses no you ain't allowed on with them... ...but take some bin bags or an old bike box or borrow a bike bag and you will have no probs. You are best going at off peak times though. I was on a bus with a flat pack wardrobe the other day
  11. i so wanted these back int day - may get some for shits and giggles. Good idea really...
  12. was a awesome day - the sections were fun and the mud made them difficult, but it was a big laugh and was in pissing myself most of the day which made up for the killer hangover and the awful riding haha was great to see peeps i hadn't seen in ages and get to know a few people better. mike
  13. Just get some thing that has DH at the end of it dude - the platinum is designed with a pussified lightweight axle. Try and get a platinum pro DH or a gigapipe (my bearings are pretty dead, but the axle is strong). But you do need a gay tool for tha giga (or maybe a hammer and screwdriver) <<< my mechanics is as harsh as my riding the party was awesome, didn't get take away though as there was food at the party!!!!
  14. IF YOU WERE SMOOTH LIKE ME YOU WOULDN'T BREAK THEM..... ggggaaaarrr caps lock
  15. http://www.billys.co.uk/english/productres...hp?brand=GUSSET I used the TAPE one which is great - strong and feels solid. The new double six cog looks great too... both cheap and steel
  16. some bmx company does wood effect components they are sweet...
  17. yeah matt has my number just whatever you decide dude its both cool. I will see you at the comp on sunday anyway mike
  18. jeez use your head, i wonder what bike shop you could get selectbikes stickers from...
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