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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. nope it isn't, there is way more stuff - only around 3.5 mins long though
  2. f**k!!! i bought eathed 3 yesterday because i was bored..hahaha well his section is only a few mins long, but it was awesome i can't even describe half the stuff he does, trials noir is gonna be nuts
  3. there is only one crue \mm/ but you have a great point - like there won't be another mat hoffman or tony hawk
  4. totally agree with mark - i know if i watch our first vid 'damnation' and then watch 'damnation 6' its like i can really see the improvement in mine (and my mates riding) - not saying we are amazing or nowt but you can see the improvement it is just practise really and then one day things will click into place and its ace!! mike
  5. Brian Bleech


    damn i thought it was vowels but it isn't...
  6. an englishman according to america
  7. cough http://www.trialnoir.com/Resources/tn%203.mov - ashton can still hold his own
  8. nice to see intersport is big in spain i reckon benito pissed that, probably from half pedal as well
  9. hahaha that was great stuff bongo - great control and style!!!
  10. he said he would buy stuff off me (and kenny) a number of times!!! it didn't happen - just some more info
  11. that website ssssssoooo shit and slow on my mega fast work line, i can't be arsed with it at all
  12. it won't be (imo) - a mod rider (to hard to sell the little wheels to the mtb lot) - a 'serious' comp rider (maybe the likes of butler, slinger, etc - because comps are there priority and comps don't get too much coverage in mags [its a shame] - they will be mention and in it occasionally, but they won't be the 'stars' going on mbuk roadtrips etc. - someone doesn't have an outgoing personality so bascially I am thinking the likes porter and waynio - already got themselves hooked up with ashton/trial noir and other bits... also i think 24" could make an apperance as the tricky side to it , will be good selling point mike
  13. i had a bit of a search before hand and couldn't find anything! thanks for the dimensions though dude
  14. Alright I am posting for kenny and he wants to know the dimensions of the backing of a magura pad? He has found a whole bunch of rubber at work and wants to try some of them out Thanks mike
  15. If I am going out for a drink I like a really nice pint of ale, but if i am getting drunk i will drink pretty much whatever arrives in my hand...hahaha - i do like either jd/vodka and coke though thats good!! If i want to get the most drunk i have ever been in my entire life i will drink 'ghosttrains' - shot of jd, shot of southern comfort, shot of vodka and lemonade, very nice and very dangerous .... haha
  16. they were called townies when i was at school, but probably because most of the peeps at my school was from the surrounding countryside type thing, so it a bit crap term really as i knew/know loadsa people from towns that ain't chavs. the other term we used was scally
  17. lmao bucky thats awesome dude.... so true! premier league stickers where ace, i watched saved by the bell last night too...hahaha remember global hypercolour tee shirts - they were awesome, crap for pulling though as they showed your sweat hahaha EDIT: does anyone remember these too shows - non of my mates can - craig charles presenting a virtual reality game show, where it was proper polygon virtual reality. bbc 2, mid week at 6:45 - channel 4, i think it was a friday or a sunday - the show was called 'wanted' possibly! but teams had to go round the country performing tasks/challenges and it ended with them in a phone box for the last hour and they had been 'hunted' all week and they had to stop from being caught.
  18. that so true dude, i used to always try and get higher/further etc, but i got bored with practising and got frustrated with not being able to do something i could the night before and i have never been a powerful rider anyways. so i decided it was time to take a step back and instead of always trying to bigger and getting annoyed, just to say to myself 'it doesn't matter really' and go and try all the old lines, but in new ways and try new techniques (deathgrip rule all ). But the best thing is I by learning new tricks/technique, stuff like gaps have improved (i learnt to do x-up [mid air ones] off drops, to learn them i had to make myself jump up more, which improved my gaps and ups - so bonus pints there for random tricks ) and now I have found I have been able to go bigger if i want to now, I just don't feel i 'have' too i totally agree i find a lot of the big move vids boring to watch and prefere watching technical rider streety or trialsy, BUT 'in real life' I love watching all types of riding and love to watch people like damon/cls go big mike
  19. pretty good - i look after my niece every so often and she survives and i can make a good curry
  20. was a good ride, had loadsa fun and got x-up rides dialed and my front brake was dead from fun trial...awesome. some awesome riding (and falling) by waynio too
  21. long bikes are here to stay and so are 24" A lot of people bought long bikes and are now looking for something new (but alot of people love long bikes and have loadsa fun riding them) and people will buy 24" bikes and realise it not for them too. i love short bikes and you can still go big on them *cough* trialsking *cough* like the big grey playhouse block in leeds, holyrod and burns tapped that on there zebber with 50mm stems and riser bars shocking eh - damon sidehopped my 24" 4/5" above bar height ... EDIT: oh last night leeds ride there was five 24" , more long 26" and a bunch of mods ... no one care and people just got on with it and everyone loved watching people do cool stuff (loadsa different styles) on bikes
  22. me and kev are meeting at granite walls at seven werd.
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