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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. nice vid matt awesome riding and some funny tardcore bails. Good seeing you at glen other night, will have to organise a proper ride with everyone.
  2. pretty sure that was just a small atx990 frame - just a small xc frame the sunn frames were ones were awesome as for the future higher bbs with longer stays
  3. you mean that bloody ruthless thing that crops up every 6 months ... [attachmentid=5053]
  4. i like the site works well you have done the huge gap at leeds art gallery/libary ... awesome
  5. not usually a fan of your vids dude! but that was the best one yet, riding was amazing and the song worked a lot better than the usual stuff. keep up the good work
  6. vee brakes ( i have a spare set of heatsink vee backing ) light/medium grind on a halo combat rim (soon to be a reggie or dm24 at the end of the month)
  7. i will be coming along with mafu
  8. yes yes and yes. getta grip amazed me ridng down the slope 'its so slippery, its like riding on custard' hahaha dirt stil is awesone. chainspotting and evolve really got me into trials.
  9. they look alright, may give them a try next. koolstop salmon compound are brillient.
  10. spoke to lewis the other day and he says thanks for all the comments, expecially those of you he knows, but ainĀ“t seen in a while.
  11. haha good night?? thats true, to make it mainstream it would probably need a national series of high profile events or something on the tele. a one off event will only raise a bit of interest in the area its at...
  12. trials is about to get a fair bit of exposure... coming to a cinema near you ...hahaha
  13. buy some decent cable (odyssy linear slic) and lube it . set it up with a lighter spring tension
  14. - work (f**king students ) - hols with gf (starting with barca tomoz ) - GBYB06 rrrooaaddttrriipp - get the leeson back... - ride london and bristol
  15. I can adapt to most bikes, except for long mods (CLS python,etc) and really high bb stocks, but of which feel horrid imo.
  16. hope stems come in normal (25.4) clamp size, if you look on crc website, the one with 31.8 next to it is oversized, they ones without isn't I wouldn't recommend a flat trials bar, as they don't have much rise. stick to standards risers
  17. Brian Bleech


    xt levers are great, but i wish they had the flat back like avid sd7s and the speed dial would be nice and i wish avif didn't go so bloody wobbly...
  18. maybe try a higher rise stem too, that would be better. I had a lowish bar (90mm x 10 degree stem + 15mm stackers) and changed to the same amount of stackers, but with a 90mm x 25 degree stem, and for me it rode so much nicer, for trials and street maybe post a picture of your bike and we can see if you can make any good componentry changes.
  19. seeing this... and then ... made me chuckle ... hehe - didn't like the editing and i didn't think song went at ll , plus linkin is wwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy overused in trials vid. But the riding was pretty decent though, and would be good to see a video filmed over a longer period of time with better editing... no he doesn't as he is working and i am on holiday but yeah where is it and we will come...
  20. the capix opener is a great helmet - a lot cooler than my new style protec and old style tsg.
  21. so true, but then i am the antichrist of smoothness cheers dude
  22. lmao at the bridge wooden rail - fantastic Cap ... i gotta ride blackpool too
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