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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. Van Homans rail ride to tailwhip and Wiz’s Icepick grind to 180 – nuts! Some bloody nuts riding in there cool vid overall but the first half was pretty odd
  2. no offence dude that was shit... ...hot riding! The best bit was the funky knee near the start when keeping your balance on the back wheel, reminded me of john travolta... cool video dude!
  3. not the best picture, but its a start [attachmentid=5652]
  4. Brian Bleech

    Rowan Johns

    neat vid rowan! the manual to hook combo bucket were fecking sweet!!
  5. I am like this I was all the time when talking and especailly when on the bike and fall off or something, but yeah just in normal convo with my friends I swear. Said 'For f**ks Sake' in front of my mum the other day, don't think she heard though as it wa under my breath. Worse time is when playing pro evo soccer with my housemate, so much swearing just random ones as well like 'what a cockcunt!' and shit like that. i wanna cut down, but probably never will!!
  6. 'sand! cool...' When I was younger i had an epileptic while playing microsoft golf and listenening to 'Rocket Queen' by Guns N Roses! Also once I was walking back from a friends house I saw a Cat standing in the middle of the road and I blink and It wasn't there! Bizarro!
  7. portugal v holland has been the most entertaining match yet! The ref had a tough job, because it wasn't a exactly a clean match, but he seemed to book people for crappy tackles and let the harsh ones go ot just missed them. I liked it when the they showed a shot of all the sent off players sitting together chatting...
  8. The video is art definately, but is the riding ... that probably open to discussion and i can see arguements for and against which i am too hubgover to go into! As for vandalism, well we don't go out to deliberately cause damage (pretty sure 99% of bikers/skaters would rather go out and not cause any damage) which is what a vandal does, but we know we probably are going to damage something....
  9. got mine today will slap them int some backing (vee) and give them a test!!!!
  10. Awesome video! I will post my thoughts later on ... On a side note are you using Holy Roller Tires? I am thinking of trying them? Anygood? etc... Ta Mike
  11. yeah its really jumpy and stuff on my pc! unwatchable, almost gave me the shakes!!! Its odd, because TM2 plays fine
  12. I am 10 stone and 25, do I win? It was probably a fault in the metal or something out of Hopes hand. Porter isnt the only 'go big' rider thats harsh on hubs and how many others have broke. I am still unsure why a lot of people who have run kings for ages with no probs suddenly jumped ship to hope, but they are still a good hub imo! anyhow aren't most people argueing just to see someone eat a hub?
  13. Yep, I think it would be possible! In fact i can think of one! But can't make it happen aw well!
  14. just make them stronger and i am pretty sure that will please most people
  15. nice to see some footage of Danny Myasskills on his inspired, he must be the only person in the world that can frontflip but not backflip! Some other cool riding too, is that Fraser doing the 360 off the box with all the Kona banners at glentress Mike
  16. no thats just how Limp Bizkit sounds cool riding will, you are getting better and better!!! some nice lines and mega gap at the walls we got kicked off by the crazy shouty woman....
  17. base ta26 good frames! or search for topics on ackriggs bike, the megamo radicals are still available from somewhere £120 i have a mark one zebber too, that i don't ride
  18. Nah I don’t think they are topping out, but I think when the coust vid came out (isn’t that wall still called the coust wall too) it’s like all of a sudden the bar was raised (even though the pros had been refining the techniques for years, we just hadn’t seen much of them) and then the whole uci riding style became popular. But since that coust vid and just seeing more vids of pros, the public (that us folks) has just really seen a more gradual improvement from them there hasn’t been any truly ‘woah wtf’ videos appearing that have had the same impact as the coust vid. The comp guys are so good at everything ‘pure’ trials, because they have to ride the most awkward/difficult things/lines/sections they can find, whereas we have the luxury of not being bothered if we want!
  19. glad to here your getting back into it! Personally I would keep the leeson over the orange zero Tykes are are still going, not heard of the other ones! Where abouts are you from?
  20. my pashley forks are still going strong, they are good forks and you can't do much better really! that said a friend had standard px knifen forks on and it rode/looked sweet. I would avoid ashton (and copies) forks with the 24/26 mounts, they like to snap!
  21. thats a person! cripes I thought you had just photoshopped the f**k outta a picture of someones head!
  22. The Macho Man Randy Savage ooooohhhhh yeah DIG IT !!!
  23. cool thanks dude! I will check that out later
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