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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. Cheers dude I have my bike over, been riding a little, but it has been really hot (above 30°C) but cooling down now so hopefully will get out more, but I am a b movie hermit the rest of the time
  2. Fantastic stuff, love your riding!
  3. Brian Bleech


    Really nice dude, great riding and filmed really well.
  4. Thanks for all positive comments. I am getting settled into life in America. Yeah I have always felt cramped on my old bikes, wish the Arcade came out 10 years ago
  5. As some of you may know I have moved over to America now, so I decided it was about time for a new Damnation video. We were worried about not having enough footage, but the video ended up 13 minutes long and got enough footage for individual I have had a great time riding with Carl and Cocky over the years, so hope that sense of fun comes across in the video. Enjoy
  6. Cheers dude Carl did find another world champs vid while looking for mine, can put it up or send it if you want to see it.
  7. I am planning on sticking all my old videos on one youtube channel as they are all over the place and I realised I am missing a few videos, so if anyone has any of these videos knocking around on a hard drive if we could arrange to transfer them to me it would be a great help. The videos are: wbc-addingham.mpg (The world champs on addingham moorside - Original topic http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/59378-a-little-worlds-vid/ ) shipleyglen18-06-05.mpg (OT - http://http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/57296-new-vid-shipley-glen/ ) hopidolq.mpg (Bike Show 2005 - Hop Idol Qualifiers - OT - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/52926-sorry-guys-and-gals/ ) mikejudson-curbcrawler2.mpg (2nd TF kerb comp video - OT - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/74444-curb-video-competition/ ) street.mpg (Mat Street, loads of crashes and stuff - OT - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/93864-the-man-the-myth-the-legend/) edinburgh_street_aug_07.mpg or something similar (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEd0nTfwor4 it is this one, can't download from youtube, because there is no audio due to licensing - OT - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/104115-small-edinburgh-vid/ ) Sunday - Lewis Greenhalgh & Judders - Not sure what the filename of this is, think it is something along the lines of sunday.mpg (OT - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/113830-sunday-lewis-greenhalgh-judders/) Judders - a few clips (It looks like I didn't upload this one to download, but may as well ask - OT - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/125255-a-few-clips-of-me/ ) Cheers
  8. That was just bloody ridiculous!
  9. Amazing video dude. I loved the gap to downwards wodge and slow 180 pivot to gap near the start. All the stuff at the weird Manchester benches was ace. Great choice of song too, I am a fan of NIN but Johnny Cash's version is far better.
  10. Awesome stuff guys, I want brakes again now!
  11. Back in '99 I really wanted a Rocket. Keep it, it looks sweet.
  12. Would love to do this, busy with life stuff at the moment, but I might be able to put something together for the end of the month? Could I just enter an old kerb video?
  13. Bucky was one of my favourite riders to watch, saw him bunnyhop some ridiculous things. Carl has changed...
  14. So, almost unbelievably, this was 10 years ago (when did I get old!?) it was definitely one of the most fun week I had on my bike, so I thought I would put it up for the young 'uns to see. Great to see that loads of people in this video are still riding and there are a few blasts from the past.
  15. So which of these are must have's? Only the light and mudguard actually looked useful.
  16. He did, but also took them off because they were too high. I ran some 2" Diety's that I cut down for a while, which were okay. I would go for something 1" - 1.5" .
  17. Fantastic stuff At 0:51, back to the bin or rail?
  18. That looks amazing! and brakes
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