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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. Rightio, thanks dude! The package is about the size of a ream of A4 paper, will that still be ok to send as a letter.
  2. I sold a CD boxset on ebay and have to send it to europe, so do you need to fill out a customs form? if so do people normally just mark it as a gift? Ta
  3. 'It's what dougie lampkin does, but on a bike'
  4. 24 Red Dwarf Hustle Lovejoy and there is just one more thing... Columbo
  5. I was meaning using a cog with a wider base so it doesn’t dig into your cassette body! Also using a dedciated single speed cog, means it doesn’t any shifting ramps which can throw the chain off, but that is still pretty rare if your chain is tensioned correctly. But basically running a 1/8 chain on 3/32 chainring or cog is fine, it won’t want to fall off due to it being slighly wider. Hundreds of riders run this setup with no problems.
  6. No it will work fine. I would recommend running a single speed cog on the back though, with a nice thick base
  7. A few pics from a couple of weeks ago in Leeds! Taken by Dean Bromley bunnyhop 180 off the small ledge [attachmentid=6329] wallride (need to get my assend higher though) [attachmentid=6330] bunnyhop to tailwhip nosepick (didn't land it though, but look dece) [attachmentid=6331]
  8. try a capix opener helmet, its the same construction as the old style lasek and damn comfy
  9. not managed to get a campsite yet all seem fully booked gonna try again tomorrow, even if we just get one monday and tuesday night, showers and stuff would be nice. 07743203004 << thats mine number for those that want it! << could someone from reading give us a text at some point to organise meet up
  10. I know for us porthcawl and bristol and pretty damn cool places to ride and really close to each other and we always want to go fairly far away as Conventry, Birmingham, Nottingham, Leicester, Manchester, Liverpool Leeds are all doable in a day for us. As Chris said meeting with people we don't get to see very often is important too London will be done by train soon though Next year Ireland or Spain Roadtrip ..... maybe
  11. loved everything about it, except the music, but that went well with the riding so meh...
  12. You have just owned 90% of videos on here and its on a curb...
  13. Don't use Linkin Park... Maybe some Rammstein or Rob Zombie could work quite well! Or just some Slayer
  14. I agree with both of these! I am not a fan of scorching hot heat anyway, on or off the bike! A warm sunny day, where you can wear shorts and a tee comfortably, without just standing and sweating is perfect for me
  15. mine does anyone I found mine front red heatsinks to be very loud and very grabby (also a mate ran them on the front for while, with the same result) and basically I took them off because I didn't like them.
  16. yeah... thats about it really Me, Waynio and a few others
  17. Yep dude I have done it before Some have an allen key bolt at the back and are that easy. For cassettes that the pins are 'pressed' in I just got a hacksaw and sawed through one of the spacers and therefore all the pins. Good luck! EDIT: if you are going singlespeed gusset do some good cheap ss cogs (less than a tenner)
  18. yeah but one mistake and they could catch there downtube on a nice sharp rock and its got a really high bb, which haven't taken off in the uci comp scene. I still don't like either!
  19. my bikes never look fresh out of the box, even when they are fresh out of the box. yeah they are superstar micro pegs. I upgraded to a 10mm bmx hub about a year ago, i was going through so many qr's doing dropout stuff. I got the superstar pegs a few months later, they were on the front page of alans when i was buying some cable and i got sucked in by them, but enough of my life story... there is enough peg to smith and doublepeg most thing, round things are the worse to! Icepick a possible (just have standard leeson dropouts on back though). nosepicks i guess so, but you would have to be pretty acurate! But the micros gave me more confindence doing stuff for deffo, expecially smith combos (gap to front to smith are just the most fun ever ) and I am gonna space the right out slightly to make hang5s easier
  20. If anybody wants my number give me a pm Cool dude! We will no doubt be down the front in porthcawl Your just coming up on friday for star (its at the fav in august) hahaha we can race its will a really shit version on the gumball but yeah would be good to see you if your about wednesday!
  21. Totally agree with Jake, some are just arseholes on a powertrip (although street wardens are worse for that) On a leeds ride ages ago, it started raining really bad, (we were riding from one spot to another) so we took shelter under this side of a building and this security comes out and starts to give us all this crap about how we damaging stuff, even though we were just sat around talking ... crazy fool! He could of just asked nicely!! But yeah, its us in the wrong so theres nothing we can do about it. In fact most of the time the police have been ok with us and are generally pretty sound with us.
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