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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. High Rise Eastons - EA50 are the best value imo but just get whichever suit your budget
  2. f**king hell and python that I like the look of i think its the tires well done
  3. Mach 3's are the shit, expecially when coupled with traditonal shaving soap (the stuff you put on with a brush) Electric razors are crap... started shaving arounf 15, i think! Can't remember really. I shave now every 2/3 days, I hate having facial hair makes me feel really tired
  4. Does anybody know if any videos of the bone deth road rash challenges are knocking about?
  5. Can the whole of 'Natural Born Killers' count ... if not the riot scene is awesome. When Bill and Ted go to hell in bogus journey - 'you ugly red source of all evil' hahaha The cigerette chase scene in Beverly Hills Cop The fight scene in demolition man, when Simon Phoenix kills the guy with the anti-graffiti wall thing 'lucky number seven' 777_7777.77777 When Wayne and Garth walk into Dan Makita's donuts for the first time and the guy behind the counter does the whole 'when a man kills a man in battle its called heroic...' or just afterwards the whole ex-gf scene with stacy, when she gives wayne the presents - 'if its a severed head i am going to be very upset' Wayne - what is it? Stacy - a gunrack W - a gunrack? what am i going to do with a gunrack. I don't even own a gun. Let alone the many guns that would necessitate an entire rack! what am i going to do with a gunrack? S - you don't like it? if your not careful your going to end up losing me. W - I lost you two months ago! Hello! are you mental?
  6. It seems that in BMX a lot people/companies seem to actually think about how to make components better rather than just look in a catalogue and anodise it every colour available. So yeah I would like to see less generic catalogue parts in trials, expecially rims... belt drive could work exceptionally well.
  7. yeah i am dissappointed in the quality, but like I said i wanted to get it out of the way. I will try and export a better quality one this week though He is on a pashley 26ghz (now snapped in two) in this video! Anyhow, thanks for the comments, Danny is a beast and it was an ace weekend
  8. chris king fun bolts are fatter at the end and won't fit through the bolt hole. [attachmentid=6457] The thiner part is 10mm (the same as your dropout) and the thicker part is 12mm (i think) you could try using something similar to the leeson kiss tensioner, I think Will Arnold did something similar or use a half link Leeson K.I.S.S tensioner [attachmentid=6458]
  9. Sorry I found the video a bit boring there was too many repeatd clips for me, its like I have watched the video a few already. The riding was a pretty decent standard and being farily young you can only get better. Maybe try and be a bit more creative and find some interesting lines to go with the gaps and sidehops
  10. About 2 months or so a few of us did a demo in bristol and we rode on a taxi and it was fun! And here's the video, its not perfect but premiere/pc is being an arse and no broadband for a while after tomorrow. so thought I would put it up so I could crack on with roadtrip vid and damnation 8! http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/leedstrials << bristolratrace.mpg
  11. thing is you could say the the same about bmx, a backflip will get a better response than a tech bmx trick. the public wants tricks/stunts/stuff that looks looks dangerous, thats why fmx is so popular.
  12. If you made the dropout and insert a octagon shape or similar, that would help to stop it moving. But it would make it harder to set up and you wouldn't be be able to fine tune the tension as much, although it would probably be able to get as near as damn though.
  13. its funny because its true danny macaskill and long low silver frames, that aren't actually silver
  14. go to uni, its f**king cool Currently at technical support officer for British Waterways, which involves a bit of everything really and I am currently British Waterways second highest internet user ... wooo Hopefully getting a new job as a engineer that does stuff with pipes and pumps for oil rigs and stuff *fingers crossed* and now i am off for roast pork...
  15. That sounds like Cannibal Holocaust, its a classic and so f**ked up! Could be Cannibal Ferox or Cannibal Apocolypse though, but its most likely Holocaust cause thats the most famous and the best.
  16. nah just pes4 ont ps2, gonna get 5 soon though
  17. That was pretty sweet I enjoyed it... tb.isg.si link
  18. apparently... i will keep trying and if i get i will upload onto tv.isg.si
  19. ribena *** once I was drinking vodka ribena and I spat on a girl and the next day she thought she had meningitis because the red spots on her arm weren't dissappearing when she pressed a glass on it.
  20. 360 all the way, plus the leeson tensioner is so small and out the way anyhow! although mikes dropout design looks swish and could work very well
  21. yes ... that programme is f**king genius
  22. nice one steve are those twin rails different to standard ones or are they just funky colours
  23. Probably Best, but its all the way into town and always busy and always full of skanks
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