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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. dirt is awesome! I have the origional vhs still what the holyrod bit like in the dvd?
  2. ok yeah 1 1/4 is now old and outdated and no-one makes it anymore, but that said it could be the perfect size for trials headtubes. Not to big, not to heavy! It is something that would have to be taken on by the majority of trials manufacturers to make it worthwhile! You actually said 1 1/5 in your origional post But yeah didn't mission come in 1.5 headtube, maybe it could be useful for stronger forks, but the strength benefits would have have to outway the weight gains. Which it probably doesn't!
  3. I don't think 150mm wide spacing is needed on hub, the rules say the a minimum of 6 working gears are needed and not nine, plus more bikes will go single speed too! Stronger, better quality/designed rims are needed! I totally agree with the bb thing - spanish/mid bb would be so much better for trials bikes, But i don't think 100mm bb shells are really needed! A bigger headtube could be more useful to help make stronger forks for taps/hooks! But it would probably be a bad idea creating our own headtube standard!
  4. Weren't the coust copies called black mumba's or something like that! And cost about half as much as the cousts!
  5. ashton forks are very similar to fattys
  6. sweet video dude! Always good to watch your vids, you actually make high bb bike almost look cool i gotta come and ride scotland too soon
  7. that would be the monosodium glutamate in them dude! A Lot of snak food has it in to make them moreish! f**k yeah! gotta be soreen too and loads of butter! I really want some now ...
  8. aaaahhhh - I thought I remembered it from years ago and I kinda did anyhow definately gonna purchase this
  9. I did A-Level maths and got an N in my first year - i was seriously shit at it. So I gave up A-Levels and did an ND in electronic engineer and then went on to do a degree in Mechatronics (which is just mechanical and electronic engineering) and basically I coped fine with the Maths. You generally have better teachers / lecturers and normally some 3rd/4th years will sit in lessons and be there to help out too, plus everybody helps eachother out with stuff others find hard anyway. What I am trying to say if if you are struggling and are at a decent uni, there will have the facilities and to support and help you! Also the hardest (and the most) Maths was in the Mechanics side rather than the electonics side. I was also in the situation where I wanted to go to uni for the experience and to get out of where i lived, Penrith. Nice place, but not much there for me! I don't regret it one bit. Hope that helps
  10. Both vids were great neil! Jus the right length to
  11. can't argue with that for twenty quid!
  12. Korma's from al Kaldims in Leeds - amazing!
  13. Jaffa Cakes - So good I fitted 10 in my month at once...
  14. I saw this posted on observed trials - it looks like it will be interesting! Leaps and bounds:the history of biketrial but didn't it come out a few years ago or was that something different?
  15. re-uploaded the link is the same!
  16. try a base ta26 dude - they are pretty sweet
  17. looks a good dvd this one - i remember reading about it somewhere! should be interesting too
  18. I couldn't agree more with. Using some flow and imagination in your riding makes it more interesting for yourself and for people watching your video. At the same time an important part of trials is going bigger and higher, but we don't need to see every damn sidehop/tap in videos. You will probably enjoy this vid of Chris Akrigg too - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7TFAmhNpus
  19. ah crap it got deleteted because i forgot to add a description i will reupload it tonight
  20. anodized silver parts oh my god the sex111!!1 etc..
  21. yeah the dirty sanchez stuff came about from a skating vid called 'pritchard vs dayton' (i think) - anyhow there is this bit where they are at a skating comp and dayton takes a piss in pritchard pocket just before his run start cky2k4tw
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