Never have too many problems, most security in Leeds is ok and only kick us off because its their job. Also just for the general public 80% of people don’t give a shit, 10% thinks is cool and 10% have a problem. The street wardens used to be a major problem, right little hitlers with no power. All they could do was ask us to stay while they called the police. Tim has been punched twice in Morley, first just by a random drunk and the other time by this 40ish year old bloke. His elderly parents had a big go at us, we weren’t even riding at the time, just sitting in a public park. They called kenny a pervert too… that’s probably true, but they was no trouble until they showed up, so who is doing the anit-social behaviour there? I will always remember we were riding some garden/park bit in bangor and this woman had a massive go at us (I think there had been some kids causing trouble and they had bikes, so obviously it was us ) but she said something like ‘how dare you damage this, it built as a place to commenorate something’ she obvisously hadn’t read the sign saying something like ‘this was built to celebrate 20 years of barcleys bank in bangor.’ You’d have thought she would living right by it…haha Just be polite and don’t ride anywhere to crowded…