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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. there are less tires and rims, but there is also more than enough to cover any situation your would need and they cost no more than 26"
  2. SD7 levers for £18 from CRC if you they are still doing that offer. If not deore lever are perfectly usable odyessy linear slic cable is great i use kool stop MTB pads from wiggle in the salmon compound they are good!
  3. alright I will do you a deal £100,000 for a year...
  4. reminds me of one of the levels on elastomania..........................
  5. Crash is amazing (not the one about people getting off on car crashes ) - I saw that on sky a while ago, one of really really good film! the departed is also good
  6. i haven't touched my king in around a year and it never skips Kings are all about getting them bedded in!
  7. yeah its gonna be awesome, unlike Beverly Hills Cop 4 - which is a shame because the 1st and 2nd are fantastic!
  8. etnies callicut/rooftop or orchid
  9. think me, kev, tim, kenny and lewis are all coming!
  10. 'well guess I'm just a natural born killer' probably my favorite film of all time other top ones Tremors Waynes World Bill & Ted Speed American History X Evil Dead (all) Zombie Flesh Eaters (all)...of the dead Running Man Die Hard (all) to name but a few!
  11. Rich is totally right! If you ain't feeling confident just go back to some smaller stuff and do that, you will soon be back to normal level.
  12. yeah probably some sorta 180 nosepick to drop in combo mambo... dave osato is the king of shit like that
  13. few to america with someone, the food looked like shit, but tasted awesome!
  14. few to america with someone, the food looked like shit, but tasted awesome!
  15. Would you use it? Yes - would like to see interesting variety of obsticles and stuff. not just TGS. Foam pit drop off would be 'the shit' If you did use it, would you come more than once? Maybe, the location would put me off. Again If it was worth coming I would Would you be happy with an entry fee of £5? Yes, even £7/8 pounds Would you attend competitons there? maybe
  16. I can't remember - maybe started mtbing around 16/17 and trials a year or so later.... I am 26 now
  17. Sleep Now In The Fire - RATM Hate the song/band but Linkin Park the one with the manga animation
  18. i have always wanted to ride the bit 16 seconds in (the wallride to 360) but have never got round to riding it
  19. i didn't think it was that well edited you do look way better on the control though and i thought you were black too
  20. Battle of Los Angeles is the best by far! I saw them in at there last ever gig in England...wwwoooo my mate saw them at there first, way back in 1991 or 92 or something...
  21. so good lines in leeds in that vid! gonna have to get that £6 bargain
  22. http://www.coachella.com/event/lineup oh yes...
  23. Metallica - One Guns n roses - November Rain << i haven't a clue whats going on here
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