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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. I really enjoyed damon's last video, but watching danny ride you never know what the hell he is gonna do. In that Edinburgh vid I didn't get anywhere near all the moves he pulled or some the ones that he didn't quite get that weekend (270 nosepick onto a wall ) We watched a couple of sections from 'extended families' which has loads danny in it and it's gonna be well worth the cash just for his riding... thought I would mention that danny was saying how all the stuff tunni, cls and damon does is amazing...
  2. The song is for Kenny http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/judders << Edinburgh.mpg cheers
  3. christ this bike is over 2 years old now... more pics here >> here
  4. I don't like it. It looks like you have used it as a rag to fix your bike and then wiped your ass! sorry
  5. With a something like an Ashton or an Echo Pure, the extra length will make it better for gaps , sidehops, taps and stuff. While still being good for bunnys and mannys!
  6. I think there are plenty of people with imagination (danny mac, akkers, ashton, rowan, boon, tim stedman to name but a few) out there, its mainly that trials is a young sport in terms of progression compared to bmx/skateboarding, but unfortunately there is also a lack of imagination in the sport!
  7. yeah lewis, I only saw some of it last night, but the start bit with swearing teacher was hilarious
  8. The Street!!! - he falls off a lot and I laugh
  9. Not really check out Eddie Cleveland's new bike (Ride bmx) weighs 23.5lbs! – most modern bmx’s aren’t significately heavier. Light bikes are better because you shifts in your bodyweight has greater affect on the bike, thus making it easier to do stuff! Yeah shorter feeling bikes are better for this sort of stuff, but mtb rider are flipping dual sus bikes which are fairly long and Ashton backflips his justice which is long and does that fine. As for the which is hardest. On a ramp, I think its more of even game. But I was referring to flipdrops (sorry didn’t make it clear) and in that respect frontflips are easier… Think about it your about to drop off a wall and you have to do frontflip or a backflip off it, which would you choose?
  10. Sorry the heavy bike/momentum arguement is a bollocks, modern bmx’s aren’t that much heavier than trials bikes for a start. Plus lighter bikes are easier to spin and stuff anyway. Some trials bikes (mainly mods and 24’s) are shortish, its mainly to do with the cockpit room. Who knows maybe high bb and low front might make it easier, because your weight is over the front end anyway. Also I don’t think front flips are harder than back flips, because with a frontflip, its all about weight transfer/momentum. Also if you look how much front flips have progressed compared to backflips to such a short space of time too. Iam sure Danny could do this if he tried and he thinks front flips are easier than back flips too.
  11. Brian Bleech


    yeah its seriously lame in the Leeds area... hopefully when all the snow on the hills melts, it will flood the river next to work
  12. great pictures! was an awesome weekend
  13. Brian Bleech

    Phil Feeney

    that feeny vid is ace Goddards curb vids are awesome and here they are... nick vs curb 1 nick vs curb 2
  14. I try to level out the bike in mid-spin, push forward with my arms and tuck up the back end. I haven't mastered 360s yet but will do! Have do 270s to fakies though
  15. that was pretty f**king good damon, one of the best THUGS vids ever!
  16. was an ace weekend and dannys riding was off the shizang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! expect another vid soon(ish)!
  17. the weight of the grind plate means thet always land pins up. crap pedals though, the bearings are shocking! Easton Flatboys if you can afford them or Gusset Slim Jims if you can't
  18. i want it.... always wanted a 26mhz but never got one.... one day
  19. Leech is one of the best (if not the best) at balance stuff and skinnys. I also think he is an amazing rider, who has done loads for the sport, expecially in the USA and Canada... but just the imaginion and style of akrigg, just takes him a notch higher imo!
  20. and I thought you were gonna put a bowling alley
  21. are you drunk already? starting off early...
  22. my heatsink reds used to wear at a (slight) angle, but my koxx browns have been fine! I found my vee to be just as grabby as my mates magura, depends on pad/grind/rim set up really.
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