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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. Great riding and awesome spots (Berlin roadtrip anybody???????????) the only thing that let it down for me was a lack of music, it would have made it that bit more entertaining!
  2. I remember when the 10th anniverary edition came out.... good god i am old!
  3. That was amazing dude I want to buy you beer...
  4. thats what I have dude. Some tv's can be weird, I bought a s-video to scart (like madmanmike is suggesting) and it didn't work, the picture is black and white. What I had to to do is 'force' the top two pin on my s-video cable together (I used tinfoil) where it goes into the scart adaptor. I found a really good explanation on the internet, I will dig it out
  5. Do it if you want too, but it won't last!
  6. Really good video guys, enjoyed it loads
  7. Best video I have seen of him was entertaining and had some nice moves!
  8. Shit unlucky dude, first day as well Hope you have a speedy recovery.
  9. all time fav: probably rocket queen by gnr current fav at the moment. complete heat by fight paris bottle rocket by the go! team
  10. It's a really good dvd theo simpsons smith to hang5 is ace and corey's bunny over to ledge manual in leeds, its mental. calebs footplant in the end credits is madness too..
  11. Yeah I had some about 2/3 years ago. It's pretty good, but I think that linear slick works better. It's a b*****d to cut too.
  12. yeah it's a spinergy rev-x, they don't make them any more!
  13. Chase probably stopped using the lefty because it limited his tricks... no whips or barspins!
  14. I have a half inny hald outy belly bottom Some say i have a striking resemeblence to ryan leech
  15. best video that been on here in ages
  16. I have one of these too, it is so comfy and no where near as hot and sweaty as a tsg
  17. yeah actually i know that one, but that is one hell of a drop and I have never seen anybody try it to flat and I have seen front flips attempted off a picnic table from manual before...
  18. nah mike's got the right idea with a front flip. Out of ramps is totally different to from top of a wall. A few bmxers have pulled frontflip drops, but never seen/heard of anyone trying a backflip one...
  19. I agree the ET was a great frame, the two I had were brilliant (could do with being a bit stronger) - I just hoping that ashton brings out the frame separately...
  20. cheers poop, got it working except it outputs in black and white and not colour... garr
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