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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. I don't think that there is much for the pc that are as powerful as adobe always final cut pro for the mac, if you have access to one. I will have your copy premiere 6.5 if you don't want it, I am stuck on 6 ;) which is alright but I want more (Y) mike
  2. good idea nick (Y) er...I am mike, i will be riding an Ashton ET24, with brightly coloured forks, a shagged back wheel and onza mini seat. Probably wearing jeans and a motley crue or gnr tee \mm/ also form leeds area kev - old koxx, with red rims, hubs, and some other red bits james - new onza trex, ashton forks, front vee, ea50s and of course Tim on his rather lush echo pure, pure forks, pazzaz carbon bars and stuff. Mike
  3. true dude, true!! I didn't realise you had the headtube lenghtend on yours, good solution. yeah the pashley steerer is short clive suggested lengthening the steerer to me. sounds interesting :turned:
  4. XTR levers are nice dude, but personally I can't feel the difference between it and an XT. But they are comfier than Avid levers imo. mike
  5. Isn't it all relative though? If you have a 26" bike with zero bb rise (for example) and have a 20mm of stackers. Moving to a 24" bike with zero bb rise and using 20mm of stackers your body would be in the same position on the bike. but your bars would be about an inch lower. I run 5mm of stackers and a 90mm x 10 degree kore stem on my ashton and it feels way better than when i had a higher front end :turned: just my 0.02p Mike
  6. There is nothing wrong with saying 'new video' but it certainly is useful if it also gives the name of the video too :blink: :angry: mike
  7. The office is alright (its a bit depressing and too dead pan sometimes) and so is little britain, but like it has been said before... Red Dwarf and Blackadder is way better than both, with Holoship being the best episode (just) of Red Dwarf ever... Mike
  8. seriously dude, I am looking forward to this shizzle should be the bizzle? what llandudno street like? arsey people/cops/fake cops :blink: mike
  9. I was a bit suprised too :blink: but it will look sweet with curtis forks on it. yeah looks good, like the bash too :angry: hope you are out sratching as I type. random question: how slim is the shadow conspiracy eat compared to your nitrox? because I was thinking of getting one, but don't want anything much bigger than my plastic nitrox thing, also thinking of an macneil sl seat/post combo mike
  10. The urbans aren't silver ashtons but are still a good fork. The Pure's are quite tall really and the urbans are a better length really. The ashtons are okay, nothing wrong with them if you are running a 26" wheel. The fatty r's are good too Or the onza smart guys which 'look' good too. Mike
  11. to be honest doing a huge wheelie is ace :D on my dads xc bike I can do them for miles and got one handed stem grab wheelie years ago (N) need a long seatpost :D mike
  12. thats nice (N) looks very clean and simple and a very nice colour mike
  13. hehehe... the forks would probably break before the got them on his bike, out of fear of whats gonna happen to them :lol: :lol:
  14. £60 for cable, broadband and telephone, its alright! Probably could get better broadband deals, but not much including everything else! oh 750k broadband at moment, its fast enoguh for me :lol: mike
  15. hey rich, nah you bike looks sweet, it has a decent bit and should ride sweet! Looks better than mine :lol: I have a deore vee setup you can have cheap if you want it? The redness give it a bit of colour. Get some more stratches on it :lol: mike
  16. NTL have been alright with us too really ,the only downtime was a few weeks ago (when all that bad weather cause a problem somewhere and we lost cable and internet for about an hour) and when we forget to pay the bill, they never send us the correct warnings though. We are getting upgraded to a 2 meg connecting soon too :lol: for free. But whats with the 'tv on demand' and the boody films are in widescreen now, what about the poor sods who don't have a widescreen tele :lol: its annoying! Mike
  17. er...whos bike were you on? well done mate :lol: mike
  18. :lol: :lol: This is my shocked face that there is someone else that is a Vain fan on the forum... Have you the Vain album on cd/mps, cause I only have it on lp and want it on my ipod, so I can listen to it more :lol: will trade a copy of it for something. I am sure I have some stuff you might want! Bradford Rio is like a second home to me, I see most of the bands I like there. Good job its decent venue. I saw Love/Hate there a while ago and three people in them, where also in Adlers Appetite (Y) crazy incestual rockers :P Mike
  19. Hey Kenny Dude, Your tattoos are sweet, can see them better in the picture than in real life (it was dark) I will get mine eventually, I have been thinking about the design for about 4 years, now its just a case of money. You got your phone fixed yet? We are out in either leeds (hopefully we won't get pulled for antisocial behaviour like the halifax lot did yesterday), morley or wakefield a couple nights this week, if you fancy it? Mike
  20. They are both great frames, the control looks awesome and I can't really say much more than what has been said already. I would say the pure is more streety than the control, but its still a trials bike and a great one at that. But the main thing is, what do you mean by street, do you mean streety street or just riding trials on the street, if its the second option either would be great! Mike
  21. me neither, I bought Duke 3d of it, when that first came out! I paid in old skool postal orders. erm....yeah mike
  22. Does premiere 6.5 work on win2000 professional? because I am on Prem 6 at the mo and had a bash on 6.5 at a mates and it was better (6 is alright though, I have used it for ages, can make a decent vid with it)! Ta Mike
  23. Amen for that! Looks like it should be a nice ride dude. Personally I have never got on with zebbers, don't know why. But they must be pretty decent as plenty people ride them well enough...
  24. So Far I have seen Adlers Appetite - 5th February - Bradford Rio - !mmmm! Hanoi Rocks - 4th Feb - Bradford Rio - One of the best gigs I have been too The Quireboys + Tokyo Dragons - 26th Feb And I am going to see Enuff Znuff with Bang Tango + Pretty Boy Floyd - 1st April - Bradford Rio Faster Pussycat - 29th April - Rios Again Vain - 22nd May - Bradders Rio Vixen + Girlschool - 5th June - Rio Motley Crue at Manchester and Birmingham in June Alice Cooper + Twisted Sister sometime in Qugust I think Dio - August again I think And download festival too :( and maybe leeds (depending on whos playing) Rock n Roll Mike
  25. Its is 'blind' by koRn - the one in the tripods vid (good vid (Y) ) er...koRn gives head to jesus... mike
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