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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. There has been some great films mentioned in this thread already... I love many different films for many different reason, Apocalypse Now is one of the best war films ever, I love some of the shots in that film. Beverly Hills cop 1and 2 will always make me laugh. All the Lord Of The Rings films are great. Romper Stomper has already been mentioned, so has Donnie Darko. Evil Dead Trilogy too. I could go on for hours about films! Also Natural Born Killers is probably in my 'top 5' somewhere, great film. the charactures in it awesome and the celebratisation of mickey and mallory by the media is interesting. but my all time favorite film isn't big, isn't clever but it is so cool and Keanu Reeves best film.. ...Alice In Wonderland!! actually no its Bill + Teds Excellent Adventure! I just love it! Mike
  2. Brian Bleech

    New Video.

    It was cool, ta for posting it!! i do, but haven't a clue how to work it :)
  3. good choice! Bad Taste is one odd film, braindead is ace, the lawnmower scene, that is so cool!
  4. I have got ssssooo bored of the Japanese films The Ring, The Grudge, Dark Water (water is never scary ever). They are all the same, some kid dies in some f**ked up way, that he/she wasn't meant to, so now he/she is pissed off and gonna kill people in a bizarre way! Texas Chainsaw Massica (sp??) is great the first time you watch, very intense viewing. For some really uncomfortable viewing thats really difficult to sit through I reccomend 'I spit on your grave' and 'cannibal holocaust' :) Saw is decent, kinda odd, scariest thing is actually puppet though. Try 'Dead End' which is great comedy horror, so good that. I love 'Evil Dead' and 'Tremors' but neither of those are actually scary but still amazing. IMO the two scariest things on the planet are 'IT' (the book though NOT the film) and 'Resident Evil 2' for the playstation, the atmosphere they created on that game is amazing. Mike
  5. Brian Bleech

    Ea Games

    also in GTA:San Andreas there is a mototrials-ish bit at the indoor track on the third island (i think) go on a sunday or tuesday, with the crosser. Sorta blance beams, rock bits and loop the loops to do. its fun (Y) Mike
  6. is that it (Y) whats the point!! but yeah 'looks' nice, won't be having one though! I will stick to a standard kool and a couple of other bmx chains I wanna try.
  7. (Y) thats so sad that he died just doing what he enjoyed, because some ignorant people couldn't handle other people using something they were allowed to do. Its not like us criminals that ride on walls and stuff, he was enjoying his sunday bikeride on a bridleway, which he is legally allowed to ride down. Some fool decided it was a good idea to do that. I have heard about the cheesewire thing before, I don't understand. I am sure that log people didn't mean to cause harm, but the cheesewire could do nothing but damage to someone. R.I.P. Mike
  8. I enjoyed this one more than the last zoo vid (Y) not sure why just did!! I think the music is In Flames (or it sounded like them) not sure though! Mike P.S wear an ankle support
  9. I like the idea of archiving to keep trials-shack open, not entirely sure how it work, need to re-read a few times! Obviously the most recent files are the most important. what about say if a file hasn't been downloaded for 45(just plucked that from thin air) days it gets archived. then if someone tries to access it, they can't download it, but it possible to say if they pm/email you to get a password (maybe keep the passwords random, one use only) and they can download it! And obviosuly if loads of people want that vid again, it can be brought out of archive and can be downloaded normally. i dunno much (anything) about the coding or work involved to do this and obviously i don't wanna give you loads more work. is this sorta like what you were saying above? i am still confused mike
  10. Ingredience needed. 1 ipod 1 fm transmitter thingy 1 radio (Y) :S
  11. Yeah I have looked at them, will want it for tomorrow though... I wonder if stif have any in...hmmm yeah I am resting it today and tomorrow, just riding in evening, will see what its like tomorrow lunchtime and make my decision then (Y) ta dudes mike
  12. Hey Jon, Do you still have your middleburns? Couldn't you put them back on and measure the distance between the frame and crank arm on each side! Then put the tensiles back on and measure the same distance and then Clive could work out how much longer if any the bb axle needs to be? Just an idea... Mike
  13. Difficult to choose one song, but personal faves are 'Rocket Queen' 'Paradise City' 'Coma' 'You Could Be Mine' Nice avetar by the way, I have had that pic as mine before (Y) Mike
  14. Hi Everybody, I fell off yesterday (woohoo go me) and landed oddly on a slope and my ankle is hurting (I am such a puss (Y) )! My ankle is fine when walking and most riding, but when I jump (well the landing) it hurts a fair bit and I just want something that will give a bit more support. So whats good? Best if I can buy something at a highstreet sports store, because I will want it for riding tomorrow (Y) Ta Mike
  15. Sounds: the fizzing of oil in a frying pan the bassline of 'rocket queen' by gnr the sound of rain against a window (when your inside warm and dry) people laughing Smells: fresh pancakes roast beef that oily garagey smell Textures: sandstone cold metal smooth skin fake fur
  16. I like it, good idea (Y) any chance of a pic of the full bike, looks pretty sweet mike
  17. Brian Bleech

    My New Ride

    It looks alright, kinda like it! crazy colour scheme though (Y) The low bb is fine for streety stuff really, maybe a longer fork may help stuff though (Y) mike
  18. Again I personally didn't like the music, as its not the sorta thing I listen too. I do agree 100% with what you said, it is your video. though hiphop does work well to street generally! The riding was good though I enjoyed the video lots and its in my 'favorite trials_bmx vids' playlist (Y) (Y) look forward to the fifth one. mike
  19. not sure on some of the transitions! but other than that I liked it (Y) mental gap to backwards gap to gap (Y)
  20. your all f**king wizards on a bike, should be in lord of the rings or something (Y)
  21. Brian Bleech

    Ea Games

    mototrials would work so much better!! biketrials would honestly be pants, i will stick to my bmx games :lol: (Y) ohh off to play mat hoffman 2 now
  22. Yo I have just got a copy of adobe prem 6.5 and I have been using prem 6 for the last year and I can't find any difference between the two. So i just wanna know whats better about 6.5? cheers for the help mike
  23. You know I have been getting them while riding recently, but thats because I have been falling off an hitting my head too much :unsure: other than that I don't get them much, only very occasionally
  24. dude i managed to get a bike in my halls, and i know loads of other people that did too. kept it in my room. just don't be a knob and leave infront of a door or in the middle of a hallway. and be a bit sly :unsure: mike
  25. At a guess manaul to 180 onto bashguard/pedal to 180 drop....
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