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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. I agree about the yellow one, but it pretty decent in chrome with those stickers. Very 'classic' GT.
  2. Yep that was my issue with the video, the end bits just seemed a bit tagged on for me. The first part of the video was amazing and probably the winner, if it had stopped after the song. The video overall was just great fun though, really enjoyed it
  3. That was amazing dude Epic riding and epic crashes.
  4. Awesome! Great riding and awesome break dancing!! To be fair any video with fire breathing in is great in my book.
  5. A few poorly filmed clips of me falling off trying to get a line for my video.
  6. Carl and I went to Hull this afternoon with no intention of filming, ended up filming some clips on my phone, so made a little day edit...
  7. Done (my confirmation email came into my junk mail folder, so be aware of that if you are waiting for it) Castle park is a great riding spot and just one of those unique places that all members of the public seem to co-exist with no trouble at all and all just enjoy the green space. Great place, wish there was somewhere like that in Leeds.
  8. I like riding alone, gives me a chance to check out riding spots or ride stuff no one else wants to ride, though I normally ride on my own when I only have a couple hrs to spare on a weekend and don't want to drag people out or want to get a cheeky 45mins at the skatepark before work. Oh remember to take your phone out, once turned my ankle really badly and had a nice 2 mile walk home. Not to much fun....
  9. Awesome. Had a great couple of days on it. Definitely want to make the whole thing next year, I missed too much.
  10. Thanks for the the positive comments, very much appreciated
  11. That was great Ross, some great riding and makes me want to put a brake on!
  12. Brian Bleech


    Yes Carl, great video, the song went great with your riding. Your riding is getting so good now.
  13. Sweet video dude, had an old school vibe to the riding
  14. That was some amazing riding, the first line and just silly. It was all just silly. The song was great too, love pretty much every version of it!
  15. Thanks guys there could possible be a video of the failed line that involves me falling off in amusing ways...
  16. I need to send my links to Ben. Must remember to do it tomorrow.
  17. My GETcreative 2 entry for 2013. My original plan was unfeasible for a few reasons, but will definitely want to do it. So instead I came up with this which has been inspired by the loads of 'welcome to the team' bmx videos which are generally under 2 minutes, so wanted to catch a similar vibe to those. Music - The Misfits - She https://vimeo.com/75637901 If you have any problems with playing it let me know as I have been having trouble with my internet connection.
  18. Oh right 15mm through axle is a thing, shows how out of the loop I am with mtb stuff!
  19. As someone that will be buying a frame kit. Will the bb's be available separately? Don't want to be stuck using the crappy DMR ones. The 15mm through axle set up looks good. Will we have to use a hope hub with it?
  20. Had a bit of old footage on the computer that was either flimed on our old bikes, had dodgy camera or just not our best riding. So thought I would throw it together in a video with a random song before our GETcreative entries come out.
  21. Great video, by one of the world's best riders!
  22. Good job we have started filming already this year!
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