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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. i agree completely, but... ..now the mighty trials-shack is down, i was thinking of exporting all my vids as both to give people and 56kers the option of downloading wmv as well as mpgs. Just because of crappy connection times and stuff. mike
  2. cheers mike dude B) - that is a great help anyone got any tips for wmv export? mike
  3. deore and avid vee's are fine - I would much rather run deore calipers over the more expensive shimano ones (xt/xtr). as with all brakes, set up in important - what pads have you got? the deore pads are crap - i would buy decent pads for the rear - heatsink, plaz, echo and run the avid pads on the front. (N) nowt wrong with vee's for most riding stop talking out your ass! what set up did you try? mike
  4. i have 380 stays - 74 degree headangle - +25mm bb - 1030 bb rise on mine and it rides great. People are often surprised how good it is on the back wheel (i prefer it over my mates zoo!), plus it also small and flicky which is great for street B) it also handles itself well on natural. after all it is a trials bike - just shorter than the norm (nowadays) and has 24" wheels. I would say that 1030 is a good length to get, you could get 1040 though if you are worried about it being to small and run a shorter stem if you decide too. don't forget curtis make a nice 24" too (N) if you don't wanna wait mike
  5. hello all I am messing around with exporting videos as wmv files from premiere 6.5 and can't do it for shit (N) so i am just wondering what settings people use to do it. also what settings do people use when exporting as mpg, i use the standard vcd settings, but want the option to make it super highquality too. thank for the help mike
  6. totally forgot my mates band... chickenhawk http://www.chickenhawkdotcom.co.uk/ http://www.myspace.com/chickenhawk and send more paramedics mike
  7. maybe your going to a shit club? but you need to let yourself go your probably going into the club with a 'i am not drinking, its gonna be shit' attitude, which you ain't gonna have a good time. as for Red Bull - 11 is my record, going about an hours sleep that night, but work up and felt fine (Y)
  8. ICED EARTH (Y) check out the last album 'The Glorious Burden'
  9. I know bugger all about website design - it looks good to me :rolleyes: I found it easy to navigate :P one thing i noticed... yeah i noticed the top bit B) pretty swish :D mike
  10. yeah i really like that - get a DCD for full old skoolness :angry: looks like a fun bike mike
  11. top too can be bought at a hardware store :angry: c&K are a good brand my dad has had a set of there allen keys for years and they get daily use 8mm to 14mm is an odd size - pretty sure that your bike won't have all those size's on. Pedal Spanner? The rest just look on wiggle or crc i just carry essentials and try to keep my bike in good nick at home - bb/cranks tight. generally just take minimum: a few allen keys (just a cheap set from local harware store), 10mm to adjust chan tensioner spoke key chain tool (+ a few links) patches/glue tyre lever - it all fits in a small box too mike
  12. If you are still looking for bands - my mate's band MILLOY are up for it myspace link >>> MILLOY cheers mike
  13. heatsink white vee's :angry: gonna be running konigs next week too on a smooth rim mike
  14. The only 'benefits' from smoking come from when you are addicted to them - the calming effect and the enjoyment of smoking a cigerette. It because your body craves the cigerette. the vast majority of people of that have tried smoking, hated the first time they smoked - i know i did - i didn't become calm and i didn't enjoy it. I don't hold anything against smokers, i have many friends who smoke - i don't care that they smoke, but when they are at my house, they are always polite enough to ask if they can smoke or go outside. pot is different - because there are medical benefits and of course the high, but have you ever been in a room full of stoned people (and you not been stoned) - its possibly the most antisocial thing ever :angry: it does annoy me sometimes when people smoke at public places, because its smelly and its harming me. but if you didn't smoke, you would be fitter (Y) a few random thoughts mike
  15. Yes and no: YES - you spend £400 - £500 on a frame and it would be nice if people but a bit of effort in making decent stickers/paintjobs for the frames, instead of some dodgy 'wordart'. Plus a bike/frame that is pleasing to the eye is good for sales ly NO - obviously geo and strength are have a higher importance thats obvious mike
  16. i liked that too - shame it wasn't filmed with a better camera. nice work though (Y)
  17. i know what you mean about match 6 - it gets so repetative in my opinion - aaron chase section is ace though :)
  18. A teaser/trailer thingy has been put up ont internet. It looks alright some old skool style front flips - front brake styley and a whole world of tailwhips - which looks like the 'in' thing for this issue. but it looks alright .mov version .mp4 version mike
  19. the zoo pads i have tried are pretty good - i like them. That was on a clean rim. But the whole point if you are using tar - there is no point in using expensive brake pads, you may as well use the standard maggie pads or some just some cardboard/pear/bit of old tire as pads. because its the tar that does all the stopping. Mike
  20. generally i play on my PS2 or megadrive - mat hoffman pro bmx 2, T.H.U.G 2 or GTA - if can't be arsed playing properly i just make stuff. I am loving MH 2 at the mo, just love trying to find cool lines and try to manual ledges and rails on it or just style things up. or i 'personalise' my bike. or just go out in the street on my bike and not ride properly, just mess about trying silly little tricks and stuff. watch films mike
  21. yeah a kmc kool fits on middleburn 16T bashguard - I know a few people that run that run this setup. mike
  22. most likely is that you have got to get over the front end more, practise endo's and try to find the balance point. Which is steeper than you think. when hopping - pump your arms and legs. learn to fall over the front of the bike mike
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