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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. but maguras use mineral oil, which is just standard and does use DOT measurments Mike
  2. Kenny used too work there, but doesn't anymore. He now works at JJB in Dewsbury selling dodgy Reebox bikes :) ..... seriously yeah there isn't really anywhere in Leeds for BMX, bit shitty really - There used to be a shop in the merrion centre, but that is shut down now and there was another really good bike shop in headingly a couple of years ago, but that is gone now too :huh:
  3. awesome video - some crazy move too - the sidehop to over icepick :huh: mike
  4. I have it - its a great video actually, one of my favs. I will upload after work around 6 if no one has done before. Mike
  5. Stif will just laugh at you if ask for a bmx, hell they will laugh at you if you have 24"....bastards hahaha Mike
  6. There is route one, which does your basic wethepeople, mongoose, hoffman bmx's - not much choice though. Thats one briggate near pizza hut. Halfords - 10 mins walk behind the station, usually halfords stuff. It is a bikehut. Woodrup Cyles - Kirkstall Road (get a bus from headrow) its just slightly further down from Vue, Hollywood Bowl, Virgin Active, Pizza Hut retail park place. On the left. Near my house. Not actually been there in ages though, not sure on the choice. Mike
  7. A few more screen captures for you... Tim Stan Me Jon S Chris Cap still haven't finished capturing yet :) :huh: (Y) Mike
  8. Started capturing footage and will post random screen captures when i am bored... to start us off - bucky bunnyhopping the bristol benches
  9. Hello My itunes has randomly deleted every song out of the library (itunes ripped ones and mp3s). All the songs are still on my pc, but in itunes. They were nicely sorted out and arranged (a lot of the info was filled in and stuff) Is there any way of getting the songs off my ipod to my itunes so i don't have to piss about organising stuff again? Mike
  10. and you say your not good enough to get a 24" (Y) :P nice vid dude - manuals and gaps to crank flips - cool stuff
  11. i dunno why he didn't jump in the manc water - it was lovely (Y)
  12. that will do me too - bristol was great ride. i wanna ride there again. 24" crew..haha never seen as many 24"ers ever. loved it mike
  14. ok try it now :bunny: http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/leedstrials
  15. it's an mpg it should play on owt mike
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