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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. hahaha fair enough - but it does say manual on his website :D (Y) i must sound like a right twat being such a picky b*****d :D - it hasn't got any less awesome over night
  2. if i was being picky i would say it wasn't a manual :D" :P :D but that is bloody awesome though :) (Y) just watched it again and again....beyond awesome
  3. i dunno :'( what time you gonna be there?
  4. are you going to two wheels ont rail? :D
  5. MMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!* *picture by tim
  6. Brian Bleech

    Roadtrip Screen Captures

    Roadtrip Screen Captures
  7. decent stems for the price :D light, strong and doesn't have prominent knee hitting bits. be careful with the threads and it should be reet mike
  8. oh my god !!!!!111111!!!!!! ZZZZGMO11112222233334445435465654747 i can't beileve we forgot about the guard cows... Mike
  9. If it helps ZZ Top be the first band to play in space then spend away :D Seriously - yeah we should explore space it does advance technology and is also bloody interesting whats out there. I would also like to see more exploration of the oceans, there is some scary shit down there. Warp Speed Mr Zulu
  10. fair enough dude :D see you friday er...buy a vee brake :) but you probably don't have mounts :P
  11. bumpio - you can order it from http://www.thetrialsinshop.com shipping is approx $6.00 CDN thats about £15 overall Havne't ordered mine yet as I am that skint :D :P mike
  12. you can order them from http://www.thetrialsinshop.com shipping is approx $6.00 CDN mike EDIT: thats about £15 overall
  13. would it help if you changed the dish of the wheel slightly? is not hope, american classic, king or shimano all do good hub at variaty of prices :D Mike
  14. hahaha yeah it is :) - really good takeaway actually - i reckommend it to all roadtrippers :P
  15. nah thats just tim - he's an odd looking boy
  16. bucky manualling into the back of the car and then running away bucky breaking the electrical box kenny with is knob out in bristol train station and getting a good telling off by a policeman kev - 'i would shag any of you except the fat one!!' mmmmmeeeeehhhhhh nerf ball was awesome the guy in the car that was being a job and tim just racing up on the outside in his van and scaring the shit outta the guy the chip shop with no forks
  17. Page 10 on roadtrip topic has some stills mike
  18. happy birthday kennys mate (Y) live kennys dream, its one of drunkeness mike
  19. sorry totally forgot :D http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/leedstrials /\/\/\ left click and you will see the file in the list Mike
  20. hey matt you baack then? this is gonna be an awesome ride mike
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