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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. true, and they did get there shit together for rita. It was also the the first time that two class 5 (the worse type of 'caine) has hit them in one season though.
  2. Awesome :huh: - i remember the days when everyone had ds1 and trailstar/sidekicks where the height of trials technology. looks sweet and have fun. i used to ride with a guy who used to ride the heavy tools mod...
  3. not as bad as walking in on your mum munching on you dads pork sword... :huh:
  4. i had left over chicken teriaki from a japanese restaurant i went to the other night, t'was yummy
  5. winter riding is so much fun, if you can't bee f**ked with proper riding in the middle of winter - just wait till it snows and is icy, its awesome :ermm: flat out towards a snow drift. I think i ride better in the winter too :) and last winter i thought it was the best time to stop wearing gloves. WTF!!! shipley glen on a cold winter morning can only be beaten by glen on a warm summers evening :( anyhow it ain't winter yet
  6. pretty sure the trials noir vid is happening, as there has been little trailer on the gateeight site. archive 1 on the other hand is dead in the water. mike
  7. i think the swimming pools is the main out and out street spot, all other good streety stuff is near trialsy stuff too :) um...yeah have fun. i should be up for a ride the wednesday (i think its the 27th, the last weekend in sept) and a pis up on the friday too for my birthday... rock n roll mike
  8. you loser tim, you can't run! bet you i can out run you piss :(
  9. i lived there dude, but i am in hollywood have a good ride see you all soon
  10. interesting fact number 1 - ryan leech actually prefers natural over street it a good dvd it explains stuff well, he isn't the best presenter though 'ooohhh manuals' - but if you are just beginning you will learn stuff from it. mike
  11. go to the top off mount chiliad, spawn the hovercraft and jump off the ramp and pull back in midair. trust me (Y)
  12. mirrra fell too, yeah i think it ws close but cranmer just about edged it. he did most of the tricks mirra did as well. mike
  13. Brian Bleech

    X Game 11

    I dunno how many of you have seen them, but the videos of the x games are on expn.com. There is some pretty crazy shizzle... be sure to check out Scotty Cranmers silver medal run (front flip turndown on the step up) Ryan Nyquists Bronze Medal run (off axis 720) Jamie Bestwicks Gold medal vert run and best trick (double tailwhip flair) and loads of other stuff http://expn.go.com/expn/feature?name=sx11video
  14. Great video dude - had such a variety of moves, which was brill <_< and the editing was interesting too, in a good way though :unsure: mike
  15. Nice one wayne, thats pretty sick... <_<
  16. Hi There are quite a few decent places near oxford - London, Bristol, Newbury, Milton Keynes, to name a few. Further north you have Nottinghman, Stoke and Birmingham And even further you have Yorkshire which is mint <_< Mike
  17. you are obviously worried about your frame breaking and out of the ones you listed I would avoid the higher end koxx frames (xtp, etc) as these tend to be lighter comp bikes. But the koxx levelboss is a strong bike, as are the echo, zoo, and BT. Personally I would go for a something with around a 1040-1080 wb to start with. Mike
  18. your never too old... EDIT: actually it pisses me of that cycling (in all forms, except maybe roadie) is actually seen as childish, yet other sports footie, rugby, tennis, climbing and even surfing are deemed 'normal' to as an adult. Stupid General Population Bastards...
  19. Brian Bleech


    thought i would join in the fun, check out the 'mikebollard' video http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/leedstrials mike
  20. get back (on the bike) you b*****d tell us when you get it sorted dude :- nice to see you all back :P
  21. at first akrigg was riding a gt hans rey frame, he was also playing with a 2004 zoo pitbull 1060 to get ideas, i dunno what he is on now
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