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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. You could get a headlock, it will keep it solid. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_odkw=head+lock+cycle&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xheadlock+cycle&_nkw=headlock+cycle&_sacat=0
  2. Nice one dude it looks good, building a frame is something I would love to do.
  3. Watched it three times in a row. Really fun video dude and sweet riding.
  4. Not entering as my partner was unable to get his clips filmed, but I had three in the bag so whacked them together...
  5. Is the next batch still going to be here in April?
  6. Danny does those nose bonk drops off 8ft walls smoother than I do them off kerbs.
  7. I can play the embedded video using my web browser on my phone, but can't play it if I use the youtube app...
  8. Just in time for lunch, cheers Edit: Danny can ride trials, who'd have thought it The video was fantastic, some really unique lines from everyone. Duncan's riding has a cool old school vibe to it. Filming was great as always. Look forward to putting this on the tv at home and sitting down with a couple of beers and watching it a few more times tonight.
  9. Contender for worse trials company name yet? I think I could count all the good names on one hand.
  10. Brian Bleech


    That gap to wodge to backwards gap down to the pallets was sweet. Great video. Bjork rules!
  11. Is there a logo or something we need to use in the video?
  12. Brian Bleech

    Damnation 8

    It was 2007 I think.
  13. Brian Bleech

    Damnation 8

    Damnation 10, the best one
  14. Brian Bleech

    Damnation 8

    Not watched these for a while!! Was good watching, put a few more up.
  15. Prince Phillip Pele Ali Lemmy
  16. A respectable tattoo artist won't charge for the design, You will (probably) have to pay a deposit that will go towards the final cost once you get it done. The tattoo artist will probably have to change/adjust whatever the art student had drawn to make it possible to tattoo it onto you anyway. You are paying for experience and skill of designing/tattooing on a body. Let them do what they are good at. Ali, I really like your design it is great. If you go in with what you have drawn and good quality pictures of all the separate parts, they will get the proportions right so it looks good on you.
  17. That is looking really nice, Can't wait to get my Arcade!
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