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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. a four bolt one would be best, have a look in for sale wanted i am sure you could get something B) no idea about the cranks mike
  2. Brian Bleech


    wow i get a link to the jim carrey film 'liar liar'
  3. are halo rims shit? inparticular the tornado and combat mike
  4. ended up going for one of these, they look pretty burly and have a wider base than the dx too, still cheap. We will see eh... http://www.billys.co.uk/billys/english/gro...=hugu-tape-cogs
  5. haha - bit risky riding leeds, especially considering i work near the playhouse :- you do actually sound like my mum though B) cool, not on msn at much at moment because gf is staying over and if i am not with her i am biking B) will catch you soon though dood mike
  6. thats awesome, are the forks lowered or not? i would put a proper seat on it though http://www.extrauk.co.uk/products.php?sess...4&selected=1190 this one would look awesome mike
  7. Yo Dudes, My drivetrain is getting pretty old now, so i am looking to get new stuff. Getting a KHE collapse :ermm: but the main thing was my rear sprocket, i have had it on about 7 chains, so i think is time for a new one! my options basically are standard cog - what i am using at the moment DX/gusset cog - are these any different from a standard cassette cog? wider? surely single speed cog - they are wider, but are they any good? king cog - bit expenisive really, but always an option. yeah, so what does everyone use? problems, etc - oh yeah running steel king mike
  8. great vid gaz :ermm: you have got some skillz . mike
  9. hey man i will probs be out from about 7pm - i won't have ridden in week B) B) :ermm: will pm you on here
  10. cheers dude :D - man i am gonna have to get my ass down to that next year :S 44" is pretty large - but we need to have a trials forum bunny hop contest B) mike ps. - gonna have to hook up for a ride soon dude, the weather has been shit recently. me and kenny are thinking of hitting 'the worx' sometime soon though (Y)
  11. having ridden both the ashton and leeson 24", the 'feel' on the leeson is so much nicer. It has that lively , bouncy feel that the ashton doesn't! plus as a streety/trials rider, i put lots of random wierd stresses on my bike and it being steel just helps it last longer. i went for 380mm chainstays, +25mm bb, 74 headangle, 1030mm but if you are going for the scaled down toxsin and going for a 24" 'pure' trials bike. go alu :ermm: but something more streety , steel...hehe that said something like a scaled down echo pure, U6, 380 stays, 72.5 headangle, 1040-1050 wb, wouldn't bad at satisfying both camps. mike
  12. planet x knifen superlights - 420mm
  13. I totally disagree with that, street is awesome because you never know what crazy piece of street furniture that some drug-crazed council worker gave the go ahead for... seriously though, the best thing about street is exploring finding new places! Hell i am still discovering stuff in Leeds. Street: Bristol, Leeds, Hull Natural: Lake Ogwen, Addingham Moreside, Black Stone Edge
  14. i have always wanted to go to NASS, but birmingham is closer which is good. but i wanted to do the whole camping thing ^_^ and if the trials course ain't public access :lol: that would suck
  15. are bullet for my valentine the new linkin park? :lol: anyhow - the riding was pretty good and showed a lot of potential, so keep that up ^_^ there is so much music out there, you have the internet - go explore :lol: and even 'heavy' bands do mellower songs. mike
  16. nice vid ali :) some nice manual and bunnyhop lines going on there... (Y) mike
  17. Brian Bleech


    i always think halifax as a f**king joke bank haha them adds on tv and the 'blinging' plastic H's round there necks :)
  18. just checked it, thats the one file i didn't get outta the three
  19. i can't paste anything (Y) right click and paste or control+v both don't work win2000 + mozilla firefox, i have tried on other forums and it works fine any ideas mike
  20. which vid is it dude? mike that was sick
  21. left click http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/leedstrials - its the frasermanual file - it may give you an error message when you try to play it just ignore it i dunno why it does that. mike
  22. that was bloody awesome dude :lol: - i wish i was that good at such a young age! you have good bike control too and once you get a bit stronger & older, well.... (Y) (Y)
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