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Brian Bleech

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Everything posted by Brian Bleech

  1. there is a really nice 2nd leeson in in for sale'wanted http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=64311 mike
  2. any chance of bringing some of the 24" ronnie/reggie rims into the country mike
  3. bright colours are awesome <_< - good work dude
  4. yes it is about the riding. but, a video that has a little thought gone into the editing/music is more enjoyable to watch and will get watched more often. plus when i make a video i am making something for me/my friends and i want to be able to look back and enjoy watching it, a bit of pride in what you make never hurt anyone. a lot of the time its just simple things, like i have seen vids that have had a huge drop gap in a mellow part of the song and a smally techy line in a screamy bit, swap them around and the video is instantly better. when i am making a vid i NEVER use the first song i think will work. as for time i agree with wayne 2-3mins is long enough for one rider and maybe 4-7 for a group of riders, and whatever for bigger events, roadtrip, bikeshows, etc etc mike
  5. sic stems have a fairly low depth, http://www.sicusa.com/products.php check out http://www.descent-world.co.uk they have some stuff in stock mike
  6. only watched the street one so far thought it was awesome though mike
  7. i dunno if the misfits actually covered this, because 1 - i can't find it anywhere 2 - when i look up the lyrics i get which makes no sense as no in the misfits is called that, and those the the names of the peeps in 'The Sweet' who did the origional version. anyhow 'the hunt' - sepultura (new model army) 'helter skelter' - motley crue (the beatles) 'ballroom blitz' - crucial taunt (the sweet) slayer did a covers album, i remember it being pretty shitty...hahaha and i already know you are a metallica fan
  8. eighteen visions - paradise city megadeath - no more mr nice guy
  9. cheers for the complement (Y) i will be out 7 ish, will ring you - it won't be from my mobile though (no credit, so answer your phone) will be able to get a lift to whereever you boys are :D its sunny here you lucky b*****d, have fun B)
  10. www.bmx-shop.co.uk its an 'eastern' kool chain :)
  11. i don't have acurate measuring equipment here, but using a tape measure i have it at 5mm.
  12. it offensive to poo saying that, because poo is way grippier :) (Y) get a maxxis dude and you will be laughing. the bike looks cool though.
  13. pppphhh.....pussy :) i will be running one of these soon, got a 14T one here (asked for a 16T....b*****d) - but they look very good. Designed for a bmx chain, the KHE collapse fits perfect on it and has a wide (4mm-ish) base and is steel. it looks good (Y) can't wait to get it on my bike.
  14. tim (drevil) works in wakefield halfords james works in a leeds one somewhere andre works in the main leeds halfords and kenny used to work in stif and now sells reebok bikes in jjb... (Y)
  15. i did this to my bike and it worked for ages and is now on someone elses bike (who sidehops to the right) the mech and all! It survived loads of cocked up sidehops to thin things and the guy that runs it now and has given it some hard slams. i know people are gonna say, it may harm the frame, but for me it worked! its your choice or you could make a thin steel hanger, that will bend when being landed on, but can easily be bent back mike
  16. aye, i checked first dude ;) - looks like it should be alright! will keep peeps updated mike
  17. just ride dude, you will get used to it ;)
  18. nowt wrong with vee brakes lad...
  19. 'ardcore thats me ;) that wasn't fun - i have learnt to predict when it will come off now hahaha - i can just tell by the way it feels. time for a change though...
  20. Brian Bleech


    phew... was thinking i was gonna have to respray for a moment then. nice pics dood
  21. thats nice geo there ali, not too far off mine, except i have 74degree and 1030, but the reach is pretty much the same. liking the underneath brake mounts too. mike
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