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Brian Bleech

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Brian Bleech last won the day on March 5 2023

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About Brian Bleech

  • Birthday 10/02/1980

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Too Much Spare Time

Too Much Spare Time (7/9)



  1. Welcome back dude 👍 The bike looks great. Recommend a BB7 too. Tried shimano zee, Maguras and shiguras (Magura caliper and Shimano lever) The maintenance is just annoying. Change those bars next.
  2. Cheers dude, much appreciated
  3. Hahaha thanks dude. I am going to use that quote.
  4. Thanks dude, hope you are doing good. Cheers, I appreciate it. Thanks dude. Really pleased you enjoyed it. Hopefully will be able to find some good spots near my new house
  5. New video from the few years I lived just outside Pensacola, FL. Definitely a crazy few years with becoming a father two more times, now being a stay-at-home Dad and… oh yeah that pandemic thing happened. This video pretty much chronicles those few years of riding. A little bit of exploring before lockdown, finding an amazing concrete pipe spot a few minutes from my house and only getting in three rides before it got removed. Then living on a construction site and getting lucky with company being cool with me riding on anything that wasn’t building materials or a house. Also messing around in front of my house will the kids were napping. And finally getting to explore the local area once again. Anyway hope you enjoy a 40+ year old man riding his dumb bike. Oh and the name comes from a random guy saying ‘Trials…huh?’ as he walked past me.
  6. Great to see Danny do a street edit, fantastic stuff too. Watched the behind the scenes stuff today, that is absolute gold!
  7. Going to try 203mm rotors on my Arcade. I am running a Shimano Zee rear brake so a +40mm adaptor like this one is needed? https://www.bikebling.com/Shimano-SM-MA-R203-P-S-Disc-Brake-Adapter-p/shimano-sm-ma-r203-ps.htm?Click=120514&utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=shoppingengine And for my front BB5 I need a +40mm Avid one, because of the spacers. https://www.jensonusa.com/SramAvid-Disc-Is-Bracket-40-Is-Front-200Rear-180?pt_source=googleads&pt_medium=cpc&pt_campaign=&pt_keyword=&gclid=CjwKCAiAsNKQBhAPEiwAB-I5zTI1MFOEHyf4wb48Veo9zeQtZCYGHL3_IAQxu6uigA72unitn8Vt3RoCUhYQAvD_BwE Also I miss vee brakes
  8. Brian Bleech

    JamesB Vids

    Wonderful stuff as usual
  9. Amazing stuff dude, loved watching your progression over the years. Was an honour to see some of this stuff in the flesh.
  10. They aren’t claiming it is 100% effective at stopping the virus in all 12-15 year olds. They are saying that in the study of 2,228 trial participants that there were no covid cases in those that received the vaccine. 30 people in the study who received the placebo got covid. A good study will have roughly 50/50 in each group. In the real world, if it was administered to millions of 12-15 year old would it be 100% effective, of course not, but it is a good sign it would be extremely high.
  11. By US law Pfizer (and all drug companies) are required to have an independent DMC (Data Monitoring Commission) for new treatments to verify the results of the study. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4118004/ The study will then be assessed by the FDA before the drug is approved. The results of the study are available here https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04960202 The study will also be submitted to a publication for peer-review. Which will be independent. As stated in the Pfizer press release. https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-announces-additional-phase-23-study-results
  12. Your missing the fact that if 94% of the age group specified is vaccinated it skews that second set of statistics. In other words, 6% of the population = 19% of the deaths. Assuming the numbers cited are correct, that means unvaccinated people are dying at a higher rate. And that’s not accounting for that those over 70s typically have weaker immune systems because the human body gets worse at fighting off illness as it ages. Double vaccinated people can STILL catch Covid. In most people, the vaccination helps their immune system fight off the illness since it teaches the body how to react. However, if you're old and have a weaker immune system, and you end up catching a particularly rough strain of Covid, you can still suffer severe illness and possibly death simply because of the effects of age on your immune system. Vaccination improves the chance of survival, but it is not a guarantee. So, even with a large part of the elderly population being vaccinated, they still have bigger hurdles to clear if they do end up getting infected.
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