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the judge

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Everything posted by the judge

  1. 20gb sony mp3 player 4tw! I love mine, had no probs with it.
  2. Alan Partridge League of Gentlemen South Park
  3. It's really raceline and just doesn't fit in as well as a black one does, the colour makes it stand out quite a bit. Beast of a bike Dave
  4. Fair enough then, he's a tit To try and win by cheating when other people have put in so much training, and in most cases devoted their lives to it, is a bit shitty really
  5. Thats what makes me think that he may not have cheated. First 6 places all get drugs tested, so why would you take drugs to win the race if you knew you were going to definately get tested? Also: it was something to do with testosterone:epitosterone levels(I think that's what they were called anyway). Normal people have a ratio of 4:1, tour de france limit is 8:1. Landis had levels of 11:1. Some weight lifters have been found to have natural levels of up to 100:1, so it could possibly be natural. He lost about 10 mins the stage before his breakaway so he would have probably been really pumped up and really wanted to win. Fair enough though, if he did do it, he's a tit edit: I think all that info is right anyway
  6. Apart from the fact that they're loads cheaper and loads better
  7. Nice Dave I like it, I'm sure you'll get used to it soon you seem to be able to ride every bike you ever go on well. I'll have to have a play on it too, never tried a high bb before
  8. Holocaust ring any bells?
  9. By the descripton they may have been Koxx ones, they make 'em with reverse 4bolt mounts.
  10. A woman is involved in a car crash. An ambulance arrives and a paramedic begins to assess her injuries. "Can you see clearly?" he asks, "no" she replies. "How many fingers do I have up?" he asks, "f**k me" she replies "I'm paralysed from the waist down too" How do you fit 40 jews in a mini? 2 on the front seats, 3 on the back seats, and 35 in the ashtray
  11. the judge

    New Bike

    Didn't work I can imagine it's pretty though
  12. the judge

    New Bike

    I can't see the picture
  13. Lots of people use water, and that's quite a cheap bleed kit
  14. Slave labour 4tw Can't help you again for 2 weeks now due to holiday Might be able to come to your birthday thingy though
  15. Looks like your stuck in warrington with me then Dave Gonna get the identiti road-worthy in the morning Told you last night, but I'll say it again, it's a beast
  16. the judge

    My Python

    What's with the colourblind-ness? Front rim's green isn't it? Look on the 'innit' picture and it's a bit clearer, and the grips are pink Anyways nice bike, get a bash though
  17. What's the tarty mod trick?
  18. Norco fluid 3 xc thingyo Specialized Allez road bike and an Identiti The Judge built up as a street bike
  19. Sexcellent, looking very swish
  20. Yes, listen to this man, a bit of back-sweep is a beautiful thing
  21. Not really, 3rd pic down, nice ass
  22. That's feckin nice, looks the same colour as chrishayton's which I rather like Nice one edit: beaten to it
  23. Don't really think it's as nice as the KOT, but it certainly is a nice bike Hope it rides well for you
  24. The bits for a philips screwdriver look like they're rounded but the outer edges of the longer ridge for a flathead screwdriver look ok, maybe try a large flathead screwdriver. You've probably tried this though, so just ignore me if you have
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