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the judge

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Everything posted by the judge

  1. the judge


    I have one of the Simple Tension Seekers on my street bike and it's always loosing tension, I'd stay away from them if I was you.
  2. Here's a half-link chain a bit cheaper than the shadow conspiracy if you're going for a full half-link chain, comes in a lovely tin too
  3. Just went and measured mine and yes you're not blind they are 45mm apart
  4. I've heard that putting them in the dishwasher works well
  5. Is that not a technique though really? Surely a powerful rider is one that can do large static hops in the first place e.g. Tunni and CLS. Everybody can gap further if they use that technique.
  6. If your going for a tensioner I'd say stay away from dmr's alltogether. Go for a fresh products or a rohloff
  7. It's personal preference I think. Doesn't Tunni sidehop to the same side as his good foot?
  8. I watched it with RealPlayer if that's any help to you?
  9. I didn't know there was any such thing as green 2004 maguras
  10. Practise doing the sidehops that you are able to do now but to two wheels as you will then find it easier to do it to front wheel. They when you come to doing larger ones you should be able to do them to the front wheel. Hope you get what I mean.
  11. Depends on the grips doesn't it? With uncomfy gay grips you need gloves, with comfy grips you don't.
  12. No, they create too much heat. Heat build-up isn't an issue with rim brakes so that's why it's OK.
  13. Absolutely, cockney rhyming slang if ever I've seen it
  14. Happens in a lot of sports though doesn't it e.g. Vodafone used to sponsor Man Utd (don't know if they still do)
  15. Extremely nice bike mate Looks nice with the green components. I think it is Shipley Joe
  16. Hi there, welcome to the forum, you seem like a good rider judging by those pics Your English doesn't need improving that much, it's better than a lot of the English new members
  17. Prodigy - You'll Be Under My Wheels
  18. Muse, System of a Down, Radiohead, Queens of the Stone Age, Foo Fighters, and Audioslave
  19. That was already there, it's a machined down middleburn bash you silly sausage
  20. Very nice Nice and clean/simple looking, I like controls edit: you're rather lucky with that chain length aint you
  21. No he means the ones where Benito has the holes specially filed into squares
  22. I think you're right as he says it's his old beaten up bash so it would not have perfect edges would it Good job you've done there
  23. I sometimes have this problem, what I do is turn off the computer, reboot the router (i.e. unplug it for 30 seconds or so), then plug it back in turn the computer on and it's usually all dandy. Hope it works for you
  24. They do save some weight but if there's nothing wrong with your rim at the moment I wouldn't bother, lots of people use an Alex DX32 which aren't drilled. p.s. you're not allowed pics in your sig
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