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the judge

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Everything posted by the judge

  1. Surely that would depend on how long the hose is?
  2. Picture from a ride today, the riding ain't that impressive but I just like it edit: thanks to Joe_Kearney for taking the pic
  3. Yep, that's about right Joe, it's just so you can keep track of your warnings, they go darker when you get one (I don't know that for sure though, I'm a good boy )
  4. Quite a nice bike you got there, you may want to think about getting a tensioner though if you haven't already as hope mono+slack chain=almost non existant engagement
  5. Well you should have, undo it fully and try bleeding it again
  6. Echo Lite, T-Pro, or an Aorta are all good frames that are in your price range
  7. He's sponsored by Ashton, I don't think you can buy them from anywhere.
  8. If you mean the whole lever then yes it would work but it wouldn't be very good. If you just mean the lever blade then I'm not sure if it would fit.
  9. Cable avids = reet good The brakes (HS33) would fit on vee mounts as you get EVO I/EVO II mounts with them (if bought new)
  10. Surely a big box or something like that would be more of a pain to carry than a couple of pallets wouldn't it? I think pallets are the best thing anyway, can be more creative with them and make loads of different lines edit: although a box would be more solid I suppose, if you had somewhere to keep it permanently
  11. It might be so that people don't just join the forum purely to sell something and make pointless posts. Instead they have to be a validated due to making valid contributions to the forum, and then being able to buy/sell is just a privalege that they get i.e. not the main aim of the forum, which it might become without a validation system. Just my view anyway. edit: took too long writing that, got beaten to it lol
  12. ZOO! > lovely shape, pretty colours
  13. They were on backwards and the picture has been changed since then. The type of brake mounts doesn't matter it's just the fact that all forks have a certain ammount of rake and so if the forks are on backwards then it will seriously mess up the geo of the bike.
  14. I've not got any piccys but I stripped both of the threads on one side of my frame and so had to bolt the 4bolt mount on one side to my booster and then bolt the booster to the frame just using the other two holes on the other side. It worked alright for a couple of days til I could get it helicoiled
  15. Nice bike mate I'm thinking about changing my street bike to 24", getting a bit bored of my 26" now, they look loads more fun to ride
  16. That's rather nice indeed, colours don't match perfectly but I think it looks good What's the rear brake like without a booster?
  17. I should imagine so, as are all rims aren't they?
  18. the judge

    Auch! Vol.6.

    If you go in the videos section on OTN there are all the trialskings videos to download
  19. I thought you could just buy different internals + axle etc as the shells were the same?
  20. Dott's just won incase anyone wanted to know
  21. Nah it was his wee brother
  22. My cousin thought that a condom was chewing gum. He got it out of one of those machines and started to chew it
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