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the judge

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Everything posted by the judge

  1. Prize for fancy dress winner was 56 pounds. Turned out it was 56 pounds of potatoes Probably a shadow, cast by his massive length!!
  2. Stuart James Pomfret. Only 22% have a more high status name, I always knew I was better than a lot of you commoners 'Wang' has a high status too which I found quite funny
  3. The Big Erection (Lebowski)
  4. ...and so that it doesn't put the seattube/crossbar junction under immense ammounts of stress.
  5. I wouldn't say that, I was quite impressed by your level of riding
  6. I like nearly all of them, Control has to be the nicest though
  7. How about some of the new Identiti forks that you can get adjustable v-mounts for? I'll edit with a link in a minute edit: these forks, with these adaptors.
  8. That pic doesn't do Mike's costume any justice though Anybody got any pics with his moustache, chest wig, and medallion?
  9. the judge


    I thought there was only a GET1?
  10. True, I find that seats get in the way a bit. There's not really any need to have one on a trials bike, especially a mod.
  11. Can you convert that to punctuated English please. I think there may be some good points hidden in there, but as of yet I haven't found any.
  12. Very nice bike you got there I'd go for Odyssey Linear Slic cable
  13. Yay nice one Dave. Good to see you've finally got a bike I'd have come riding with you today but I was in college
  14. Just found this spelling mistake rather funny/ironic If you was riding on the pavement and got hit you could probably take them to the cleaners couldn't you?
  15. I had this problem, got some Orchids and solved it
  16. Matt Arkwright 4tw! He's a beast; rather hot too
  17. This thread might be some help.
  18. He never said it was, he said he rode an old skool 26" bike. Old skool 26" bikes are ones with shorter wheelbases and slightly lower bb's etc. They have different geometry and are ridden in different ways.
  19. Kyle Hinchcliffe has snapped two I think (definately at least one anyway). Not heard of many snapping though, especially considering the ammount of people who have them.
  20. No don't worry loads of people do it, won't harm it at all
  21. I see, I was on about the others as I thought he wanted a normal chainring on 'em i.e. the reason for not really wanting zoo's. Never mind, we're all friends here
  22. Fair do's if you mean a 16 tooth rear cog but the smallest you can put on 'burns is a 20. Anway I would go for middleburns out of those two
  23. They don't do their job then do they? Just try what somebody said before, tighten the tensioners before the wheel
  24. Could you not make one of those tools out of an old seatpost? i.e. cut two slots down it so that the end is split into 4 pieces and then splay them slightly. It might work
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