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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. PaRtZ

    Towler - Monty

    beast! looks like some good riding spots up there! Camera was a bit jumpy + shakey but still wasn't that offputting Nicely made too, good music haha and some ace riding, nicely done bud
  2. Say hi to the pregnant receptionist for us (if shes stil pregnant) Guys, I've emailed serge @ koxx and he said if the phone number doesn't work, we can email the guys at Base de buthiers and let them know about us: reservation-buthiers@wanadoo.fr
  3. Im in swansea, its 1am Its windy, but its not exactly MET warning windy.... We even had an email from the university staff saying to be careful and not leave windows and doors open because of the winds...
  4. Good luck is all I can say. Some of the lines last year were pretty much impossible in my head, don't know how the guys actually managed to get through the sections, let alone gilles cleaning them all Ill try to capture more comp footage this time, along with the usual "Brits-on-holiday" escapades
  5. heres one.... Clicky Theres plenty more where they came from too
  6. That is really amazing. Awesome idea
  7. Yes I think so, I've not fully looking into the line rental part yet, but I think the girls will want a phone in the house so...meh their job Thats good to hear! How much do you roughly download? because between us we're probably goign to torrent download about 7gb a month (maybe more) as well as web pages and Counterstrike etc I guess thats going to add up to quite a bit.....? Also tom, do you know roughly how much downloading will count as "breaking-the-fair-usage-policy"? I think thats our only worry at the moment.... Thanks for the speedy replies though
  8. thats because you're like 14 and you've got a long way to go until you actually get to the point where you may think about your grave. Why do people post long posts? I really cba reading them. But I wouldn't do it at all, and I think as JT said they weren't even that big Maybe 10ft gaps you'd still get a "oooh thats a bit naughty on graves but fricking awesome" response I agree with rich's brutal post, its a fair point, but just cant help but feel its a bit too brutal
  9. ah well, least he's still riding What an old school legend
  10. Moving into my own student house next year, need to sort out the internet and wondering if anyone knew of any super dooper ISP'S? Had a brief look around and found that a company called "be unlimited" offer an (up to) 24mb broadband at £22 a month. Theres a setup cost of £24 and unlimited download limit. Has anyone got any better or can advise me for/against them? Thanks EDIT: Forgot to say, we're looking for unlimited download with the fastest connection possible. Although willing to settle for a slower connection if the price is right
  11. next weekend? pleaaaaaase? or do both? Ill be home on the weekend and RARING to go!! 205 should be thrashable by then too
  12. bump!!! Whens the 14th episode coming out?! argghhh
  13. Yay it works on one of my old ogwen videos: High res: http://youtube.com/watch?v=okieN_PXGfE&fmt=6 Low res: http://youtube.com/watch?v=okieN_PXGfE
  14. Looks fun! Make it more trials worthy and it'll probably sell....to trials riders like. Its a nice new idea and seems sound for less strenuous disciplines
  15. I just use lithium grease for anything. To be honest I dont lube much else except chain, and even then thats not very often
  16. I saw that rim drilling on an overly drilled german rider's bike about 2 years ago Im sure. It had cranks drilled out too if I remember Anyway I love onza bringing out new stuff. Cheap frames etc appeal to me
  17. Well Im not renewing the insurance as I've got a different car now. I had plenty of notices saying its dropped (significantly) which I guess can be put down to this. Ah well I look forward to cheaper insurance yay Thanks
  18. Thats probably the most crucial part of this thread Unless as Adam says you can machine a 16-14mm "sleeve" and then use a magura piston. But thats a lot of work for what? a snazzy colour? Besides I looked this kooka up last night, I can't find any information anywhere on the company or even where to buy them full price.
  19. Youre making sense, but thats only half the story. The other half was my boring calculations bit
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