me and will just got back, the swansea lads should be home by now too and fatmike, tim steadman, max + matt too hopefully It so weird coming back to my laptop after a week living in primitive conditions lol. My camera died halfway through so I had to use Tim's for the rest (thanks again beaver! ) Wasn't as good as last year I reckon because of the weather. It rained from sunday till wednesday, then friday till sunday or something like that. I got a few lines done I didn't do last year which was a blessing. Shame we didn't go to the other forest though Nice to see some more faces from TF as well as familiar ones. Good crowd again this year too Ill put the video up in about a week or so. to be honest I think Max's is going to be better as he had more footage of chai than me..... FOUR WAY CHAI PONG! haha and the crazy frenchman falling flat on his chin over the wall! :lol: hahaha cant wait Right im going to bed laters