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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. Are the street pics in paris? That stuff looks sick... No way did benito hold that up....
  2. yeah.... saturday was OK ish, the odd smattering of rain. Sunday was hellish, I can't believe how they kept going on sunday.... Really good video, nice lines and riders
  3. haha my arm took a beating this week and that axe was definitly good fun thanks for the roadblock too... we should do more rallying next year though. Im going to start modding my 205 now EDIT: I forgot another moment: me getting KO'ed by a tree
  4. Was just about to text adam to make sure you got home ok Yes andy im making a video, read my post for when. I've just slept for like 6 and a half hours.... plenty more to come Just remembered Baxter's "I can't stop moving my legs!" :lol:
  5. me and will just got back, the swansea lads should be home by now too and fatmike, tim steadman, max + matt too hopefully It so weird coming back to my laptop after a week living in primitive conditions lol. My camera died halfway through so I had to use Tim's for the rest (thanks again beaver! ) Wasn't as good as last year I reckon because of the weather. It rained from sunday till wednesday, then friday till sunday or something like that. I got a few lines done I didn't do last year which was a blessing. Shame we didn't go to the other forest though Nice to see some more faces from TF as well as familiar ones. Good crowd again this year too Ill put the video up in about a week or so. to be honest I think Max's is going to be better as he had more footage of chai than me..... FOUR WAY CHAI PONG! haha and the crazy frenchman falling flat on his chin over the wall! :lol: hahaha cant wait Right im going to bed laters
  6. BUMP Leaving in an hour! in a bit, innit, lads
  7. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryFast payment, cheers bud Given By: PaRtZ You were the: Buyer Date: 1206216322
  8. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryGood, quick payment Given By: PaRtZ You were the: Buyer Date: 1206216254
  9. yeah no problem here either, Ill be there from sunday shit sorry dave, didn't realise how many of you there were Zhi nuts, i can sort you and your mate out
  10. OK basically Im about to set of to buthiers tomorrow, and I realised I've left the V5 in swansea. I have the V5C/2 the supplementary bit, is that enough? Or do I definitly need the whole thing Quick and helpful answers please, otherwise, Im going to have to leave sooner than I thought
  11. sod it, just make them out of iron eh
  12. PaRtZ


    that was ace hahaha that was really really well put together and nicely edited. Matt and Tim riding beasty as always too Can't wait from buthiers now Is there a download link? im special never mind
  13. PaRtZ

    adamant rly

    From the album: For sale

    you rly
  14. interesting forks... look about 2ft long. And the chainstays look snappy happy even for beginners thats dangerous yeah looks fun...
  15. ahhh i love this vid so much hahaha "Mumma mia!" haha ledge
  16. I have a sneaky feeling if you can get power to it, then it should run (as in, don't rely on the headunit to power the hard drive) Nice idea
  17. there isn't an adress as far as i know. and the dates are the 24th - 31st google base-de-buthiers and its there. Or google malesherbes and its signposted from there
  18. as small as you are, you wont fit in my 205 Again ill offer to take some of your stuff though
  19. hahaha i need to get me a pair to see if they live up to the rep! beasty vid will! Im gna get it off you on msn what happened to "Im not gna rush it"? yeah we sorta don't live for the big power moves cos we're too lazy
  20. Im going to be paying upon arrival. To be fair, I don't see what they expect us to do, theres no payment thing on the site, im not phoning them up... gay lords last year was *slightly* more organised but meh still.... See what happens eh? If it all goes tits up, im going to camp in the other forest by fountaine bleu
  21. meatloaf - Life is a lemon and i want my money back
  22. Just recieved an email (finally) from base de buthiers:
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