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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. Wow Ali's bunnyhopping that sooo high very smooth as always too! Its quite fun to watch ali doing this sort of stuff, Keep it up man!
  2. 12:00 sharp at the skatepark. More than likely Ill get chris jones + the tards to come too Ducko? Alex?
  3. PaRtZ


    Loading slowly/not at all for other people too?
  4. When trials is done properly, it gives you the buzz of knowing its right, but some moves give it more than others. For example front hopping gives me more of a buzz than back hopping. But what is the single big move you do on an obstacle that gives you the biggest rush. OR whats the best terrain/obstacle that gives you the biggest rush. For me at the moment, doing front to back's from a wall, to a wall. Yours might be tapping to 90, or just sidehopping something thin as hell Post away
  5. Im tempted by the ciguena to be honest. I don't want another koxx/echo DD bike, I want something more fun next so yeah a ciguena mod, kitted out to the max obviously
  6. For my Duke of Edinburgh Gold I had to do 50 miles, so I wasn't expecting much in this thread. Difference was though, I had 4 days to do it! not 24 hours! Fair do's thats pretty damn good going
  7. bit of a random day matt? You up for rhyl on the weekend too?
  8. thats fit haha and youve got them dialled it looks too. how high can you do it Inur?
  9. heres a quickie: met a girl, gave her my number, started texting the day after and we met up the same day. Now its been 2 days and I've sent her messages on msn and a text today and shes replied to neither. Before I start getting into the "annoying lame guy who wont leave me be" zone... how long should I wait before messaging again? I really wanna meet her again lol Oh yeah and she was drunk the first time we met too.
  10. PaRtZ

    Frame Colour

    I reckon white, but meh thats ok
  11. PaRtZ


    haha mint find but you posted in wrong section. Ooops! That guys pretty good, must be hard on a road bike
  12. OK guys bumping this. If people are riding friday, thats fine, but Im working till about 5:45 so I'll come out straight from work. My only day off is Sunday People still up for it???????
  13. ah ok. And how did you get that for a fiver?
  14. Have you mounted the caliper properly? What caliper is it? Are you missing some sort of spacer on your front axle / QR skewer?
  15. geo looks ok, BB raise too high for me, but im actually not keen on the frame.... looks like a big chunk of weld has dripped from seat stay to chain stay on the back Bet it rides nice though
  16. Is that still your first zona dan? Im amazed its still going! But its looking beatiful now Keep hold of it and see how long it lasts, those white rims now = Perfection! Love the blue too!
  17. How beefy are those dropouts?! Its like 2/3 tubing, 1/3 aluminium plate Looks alright, shame about the hump though You gna go to addingham with that Andy? Im a bit relieved you're not competing in 20" anymore to be honest
  18. That was a really cool little vid. Nice watching
  19. Agre with above, it sounds like bearings, BUT check your forks too for any sign of weakness on the steerer tube
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