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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. Hmm sounds like its spindle length (well, doubt its anything else to be honest) Have you tried a different BB or used a different bb in that frame before? If not it could be something else, and infact any other square BB could do the same. As suggested, check your ratio set up: should be 18:12. Check your chain tension? maybe its too slack? If you put pressure on the pedals, does the chain clear the chain stay? If so, you could do with tightening the chain by pulling the wheel back the tensioners. Also, chainstay protectors might help
  2. or just different tracks altogether
  3. PaRtZ

    Nwbt 4

    Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  4. PaRtZ

    Dob 20"

    im afraid i did lol at the tap bail Bike looks nice though
  5. what about a progression? Everyone will want to be in the Trials forum video, so why not have some beginners at the start doing their stuff, then some mediocre guys, then insane f*ckers at the end?
  6. Koxx browns are NOT shit No idea how you've worn them down in a day, have you had a rubbing brake? Been dragging it alot? The last set I had, lasted fo a good few months
  7. PaRtZ


    hmmm tough one, because your theory COULD be spot on. They could have left the seller in mint condition, and been battered in the post. Then from the sellers point of view, he's not sold dodgy goods but i guess hes at fault for the poor parcelling. Having said that....I sent a pair of tensiles wrapped in carrier bags, in half a strongbow box, duck taped to hell. The recipient just said thanks a lot, no mention of damage like. Can't a mutual agreement be reached?
  8. awww anychance of upload the high quality version somewhere so I dont have to join? Ive always found high definition videos amazing, usually by an amazing rider, but the small group you have here make the video even better Loved porters gap the pedestrian crossing box....thats sickening! Good stuff!!!!!
  9. +1 PaRtZ 11 uploaded no problems, but now it wont play
  10. PaRtZ

    Partz 11

    now working poo tube link, available in high quality if you click on it
  11. PaRtZ

    Partz 11

    hmmm youre right.... ill upload to youtube in a bit
  12. PaRtZ

    Partz 11

    here we go chaps and chapesses: Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  13. OK heres how I can describe the position you need to be in to set up for a pigeon: 1) Say you are right foot forward, ride along side the wall/thing with your left pedal, next to the wall. 2) Then, whilst still parallel, go on the backwheel,and turn about 45 degrees to the left, so that your left pedal is still closest o the wall. Now for the move, because you're weak foot is close to the wall, its not forward so you wont catch it on the way up. Get yourself balanced nicely, then start to lean the bike over gently to your left (still based on right foot forward) Soon you'll find the point at which you feel most comfortable to swap up (its not too much of a lean btw, just a bit to help you) and then you just pull up with all your strength, shoot your arms forward to put the front wheel in the air, and tuck your back wheel underneath you. Its not a tricky technique but it seems to be one that takes alot of practice. Also only use you back brake when you land. Not during setting up, not during the switch and not during "flight" This will help so much once you're used to it
  14. really? Like to justify and quantify that? The bike looks mega though, really nice, good stuff
  15. yes. You could probably get away with a bodge and use othe snail cams but you may as well remove complications and stick to echo ones. Don't forget, you need snail cams on both sides Also, Im not familar with thes deng frames, but is there a pre-welded lug already on the frame? Or does he need to insert a bolt for the cam to butt against?
  16. PaRtZ

    Trials Dynamite

    worst game Ive ever had the misfortune to play.....
  17. PaRtZ

    The Scientist

    was half expecting another seller not giving out items post here Happy birthday bud
  18. You got chain tugs/snail cams yeah?
  19. thats a point, could do with decent cameras otherwise it'll look wank having different pixel per inch settings, frame rates and dimension format.....
  20. As your asking for a smooth rim, arent the zoo pads supposed to be good? Doubt you'll get a screech as big as a pad with a grind though. Maybe some tar will help your braking performance too
  21. well, if people upload their clip to trialstube, whoever is making the video can just download it from there? Then people just post the link to the video in this thread If not been decided, I'll offer mself to edit it too.....
  22. I had a pair like that... having said that, I also had another pair that didnt
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