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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. Hahaha Nice one guys! Whats the weather like? Hope you have fun there, let us know when you get to buthiers! Give love to max!
  2. I wont say plus 1 for fear of flaming, but yep ive done it too
  3. Awww I wanna go to the next one for deffers! Looked like rate good fun, Everyone has these flowery shorts now? Good vid danny! We shall meet again...
  4. yeah man! that was 2002! Sorry rich, I thought Id post because I thought it might tickle your fancy. This video list you've posted is bloody amazing though, and Im so relieved/happy to look through and go "yep, got that too, and that, love that one...." I adore GET 3 and the cap + matt video is awesome. And the secondlayer video of matt too!! AHHHH Awesome posting there Rich. Just wish trials tube would work Still atleast we can upload here
  5. Sorry to hi-jack your thread, but for old-school video riding new school stuff: Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  6. great to hear your having a good time guys! Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip too!
  7. I have a good poo before I ride a comp. Makes me lighter and allows for more movement
  8. PaRtZ

    Half Link

    One Two Maybe three Lots about. Just Google it to be honest. www.wiggle.co.uk www.customriders.co.uk www.bikedock.com <-maybe They're everywhere
  9. PaRtZ

    Foam Grips

    Well for a start put them plugs in! Theres nothing more fun than falling off and being impaled on your own handlebars! As for keeping them still, try hairspray or laquer or tar. Most people opt for laquer/spray paint or hairspray option
  10. Its happened before to me. Just tell Adam directly and he'll get the system restarted, works fine afterwards
  11. I like most people/things on here. Only things that piss me off are just the general dicks who think they're god. But the people who actually ride trials are cool enough I get pissed off when I dont get any messages though
  12. PaRtZ

    Pay Pal/ Ebay

    and sometimes paypal may charge you?
  13. which is bloody eirie as they both have the same name
  14. oh my god thats the sex! If I had money, that frame is MINE
  15. Think you've only got to look at rowans latest video thread to see what percentage of the forum prefer that to tgs. I don't understand this crap. Its a shame that trials is being seen as a divide because people are getting arrogant with their ability. And I know this thread was just designed for this and id like to not fall into the trap but im going to jump in, two footed. I first noticed it between the competition/natural riders. Alot of these guys have amazing control, really spot on, but you never hear about them unless you're a regular visitor there. But then again, you never heard them slag off street riders. So all was well, the two sides weren't fond of each other but nobody cared, and nobody would start a thread on trials forum saying anything like it now this... Im not going to say TGS is shit, because its not when you think about it. TGS riders go so big its awesome. But Im not a "fan" because I like to think my bike is worth more than a couple of movements. Natural is good too for the same reason, its alot more challenging to yourself and when you make the line you feel much happier with yourself as you know its harder Anyway point is, I dont care if there is segregation between a new group of trials. But the pity is the fact that arguments are brought up between the styles...
  16. holyday huh? Not sure, but we'll post up in the rides section when we are...
  17. also listening to this now Its awesome
  18. same, and I think i will do again before I sleep tonight While your in this thread ali, whens your next video coming eh?? Ive been waiting ages!
  19. If you fancy getting a train to colwyn bay or rhyl, we'll ride
  20. no,mnatts trying to find out why people do high risk sports. logicically - why do it? if you could die, there no real point in trying to "commit suicide" why not just do a normal sport instead? dr matt will fin the answer!
  21. lol he's ridden both in the pashley team? if not, all 3 + more
  22. lol, unless youre built like tim, or tra, I wouldn't reccomend it. It weighs like, twice the weight of a light bike, and its very long, 1100 atleast I think He has a spare he may sell you (doubt it though)
  23. Motorbike + Wooden stake in ground + Rope tied to bike = nice perfect spiral Sorry, but crop circles are just intelligent vandals making people believe its aliens
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