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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. still are to be fair Im all for it, being a mod rider, but I doubt you'll have enough news and material to make more than a leaflet
  2. If anyone would like to venture outside the NMC pond and read in the News section about these bikes (that were posted last month Im sure) they'll read the reasoning behind why they're the same frame but different spec. Nowadays when new riders join and ask "what should I get" everyone nearly always say T-pro. But now riders can have a choice (money dependant) on what brake setup to have on that bog standard frame - Vee's, HS33's or Disc's. And its nice to have a cheap Dual Disc option from onza now Personally the forks still look a nightmare in length, BUT its a nice idea to release those 3 together. Ill stick to my old school T-lite for now though
  3. aww mike, put it back to the bull _pwnage Think this is the first thread in Bike Pictures thats been asked to be closed
  4. ha ha! Yes! good thinking batman Lol, how would you say that? "what you running mate?" "Heatsink..." *smiles*
  5. Thats his brother? my bad, got confused by similar forum names Whats the point in this thread again? or is it just callum being callum?
  6. With the mass variety of rims that are now available I have no idea what to go for. Im a bit of a basher, my try-all rim is pretty much folded, and I want something that provides a nice harsh grind too. Not too bothered about actually grinding frequently, but the less obviously better Preferrably in blue, but if not, no matter. 36holed too cheeeeeeeeeeese
  7. Yellow - Heatsink Vomit pads (what? you'll definitly remember them) White - Heatsink Gamma Rays
  8. hadn't noticed the lack of bash until adam said. Thats super nice! They feel awesome to say the least!
  9. FFS so basically there was no need to post this in the end as you decided to go against the wealth of knowledge that is trials-forum and do what you want. Hitting it with a hammer is the way to do it, not only did you get the word from several other long term, well known riders, BUT even Ali C who works at the UK's largest trials warehouse and has been riding longer than I care to think For saying shit like that ^^ you can expect bad advice from now on you arrogant twat
  10. not sure about the carbs, thy usually go for the same price, but the manifold is bloody hard/nay on impossible to simply just "buy"
  11. my 205. Its got a TU3A already and this would go sick! But im gna pass on it now....its a bit much Plus my inlet sits on the back of the engine, so DCOE or other sidedraght carbs would be quite inefficient
  12. Is this item going for too much: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...=tab%3DWatching Twin weber 40's on an inlet manifold... at time of posting its £391... wondering how much its actually worth cheers
  13. oh my god...superb doesn't describe it. Possibly one of my favouritest videos ever! Riding was immense but the editing was even better Seriously spot on, hope you get a nice new frame and go sick on it again! 11/10
  14. I dont think T-bag wants revenge on the company to be honest. He's not into all that polical shizz :smug: He just wants to rape scofield most likely
  15. =8¬| Yeah...so...back to TOPIC
  16. that was gretchen morgan I assume her part in series 4 will be more to do with bringing down Teabag than anyone else. Wonder whats wrong with scofield though?! nose bleeding and all that....
  17. so to save me reading 11 pages of blah blah blah...what are they hoping to find from the experiments?
  18. what?! My ronnie's sidewalls folded in half after 2 weeks and my DX32 (OK it took a while) but it went squared! DX32 is a good rim, but sorry, please stay away from ronnnies
  19. Yeah im afraid it may be 4th Ben. Im sure I've seen some other lucky sods with them. They're bloody nice frames though to be fair. Ride very well indeed!
  20. Looked like a fun little competition, how much was the cash prize?
  21. finally, a good watchable video from you two That was great stuff, jamie you've got sidehops dialled now, just got to wait for the power. and Alex...didn't know you could tap? good shizz
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