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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. As he said in the title "Those after a cheap disc" Im guessing its going to be just the disc brake? Good find Jamie Ill be back soon btw
  2. will be buying soon mike, just got 5mm of rock pad and 3mm of coust left. Might sound stupid but I gotta ask, will they fit in heatsink backings?
  3. seriously good video, its nice to watch, very un-repetitive, very different, nice moves, nice angles, great idea having clips of riding too and from spots, works well definitly! Riding is getting better. I have to say when you first started on stock I thought it was a disaster, but it seems it was just you getting used to it Keep up the riding Andy!!
  4. PaRtZ

    Team Fortress 2

    pyro has got to be the easiest class to play! just run round burning everyone!
  5. shorts + shin pads keeps your legs warm too
  6. http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/download....GdTM228AAFZ0Xps Whats this song
  7. You can have my dirt lid for £15 if you want
  8. 2:35 WTF I didn't feel any invisible platforms when we rode that wall! Ali you chav. haha You're giving rhylians such a bad name, when all the time its you Good video though, the up to front savage did was sickening!!!!
  9. Point E is indeed a eutectic point. Its the point which the liquid part touches the solid part. Point X is the point at which when cooling the uniform liquid down, substance alpha starts to form as well. I have a feeling that may not be your answer though. Point D is the melting point of pure tin, Sn Now I dont know if these are your correct answers, but Point B is a hypoeutectoid Point F is a hypereutetctoid And they're based solely on the composition of the alloy and not of the temparature (which obviously stays constant) Sorry if thats useless though!
  10. PaRtZ

    Phil King

    That was really good! Im really sorry to see you've stopped riding, you've got a really great flowy technique! You're pretty unstoppable on the rocks too! Good video though, worth a watch definitly
  11. I would apply for planning permission to build a house a trials park somewhere in an inconvienient place or in the middle of nowhere. Then I would obviously design the house as big and as awesome as possible, and buy number 10 downing street, and have all the bricks crushed and use all the gravel created, to line my driveway. Id make sure all the workers on the house were top civil engineers and not lazy sods. The house would be big enough to ride through without getting off too . Then I would live in the house with my family and probably carry on working like normal. I don't think I could live in a mansion of 40 bedrooms, library, study etc etc. Just a big family house would do me nicely. Also there would have to be quite a lot of land for the rally course Id want to build in the back garden too, and thus race + tune 205's allllll weekend
  12. video was poo, but youre riding really well now! Ive not done that rail gap in the bay... silly mother good stuff, liked the techy stuff on the rail in your back garden
  13. I cant Im working But yeah its on tomoz!!!!!!! 12:30 - 1 at the skatepark
  14. Apparently, its not worth riding So nope. If we do decide we'll just bugger off one day and go. You'll know where we're staying because you'll be able to hear....LOUD NOISES!!!
  15. PaRtZ

    '07 T-comp.

    Yeah about £300 I reckon, Needs a grind though! and if you got money left, get some awesome pads
  16. In this poll no. If it cant change gears its not a derraileur Thanks for asking though!
  17. imo, the weekend alone isnt enough. Granted a full week of riding is pretty hardcore (GRRR!!! ) but you need a day or two atleast to ride with us!! The weekend, especially the sunday is all about relaxing and watching the professionals do their work If this is your first time (Think it is?) Id really try and get there thursday night / friday morning. It'll be so worth it! I think we're going for the full week again....BEAST We'll get the camp set up EDIT: Is stedman and the landy coming?
  18. PaRtZ

    French Cars

    timing gone a bit off?
  19. savage, but im sure I saw something like that before Crap I hope mine doesn't suffer the same fate
  20. Ahhh im after the diameter for the cassette really, thanks adam BTW this doesn't have to be a trialtech one! I just want to know the size of a standard cassette freehub
  21. Yeah in this case then cleaning the threads out with a tap is easiest option, not always guaranteed to work though. If you cant get hold of the right sized tap, don't bother going out and buying one, when buying a new tpa or buying an upgrade will be cheaper
  22. Most people cant bunnyhop trials bikes. Only freakishly strong or freakishly freaky can do so. The only bike I can bunnyhop is a T-lite with a couple of headset spacers underneath Vwoooom!
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